Quest #1 Overberg - where is the Horny Leaffig?

We please urgently need data for Skiatophytum skiatophytoides Horny Leaffig

We are specifically looking for good pictures of flowers and fruit. And more records.

See the map tab on the link above for iNaturalist localities.
See the phenology graph for the ideal season: October-November.

Bredasdorp District:

  • Brandfontein., Brandfontein nr coast, track from Brandfontein to Aasfontein
  • Ratelriver
  • Soetendalsvlei area, Soetendalsvallei - roadside w of Jubilee Hill
  • Springfield
  • Baardskeerdesbos at homestead.(Heidehof farm)
  • Franschekraal flats
  • Gansbaai Road, 2 miles W of Agulhas-Bredasdorp road

We also want to know if there are any records of its sister species Skiatophytum tripolium Flat Leaffig
south of Stanford. There are no records in the Pretoria herbarium for Agulhas at all, but iNaturalist records appear to be this from Phiilipskop and north of Papiesvlei just e of Stanford.

More details here:
Basically we want to see if there is an easily visible difference in the fruit, and how close these two species get to one another. Our hypothesis is that they will not overlap in distribution.

You can help. Please visit these areas and look for these species.
Dont forget to record everything else of interest that you might observe as well for the Great Southern Bioblitz.

Publicado el 13 de octubre de 2022 a las 06:47 PM por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Map of the two species - our iNaturalist records.,915620#10/-34.302/19.476

Please fill in the gaps, and univisited localities. .

Anotado por tonyrebelo hace casi 2 años - Franskraal flats. No previous observations of this particular group of plants. It may be part of another population 2km away which has been previously observed
3rd and 4th photo's show fruits in the making - Heidehof farm. Part of previously observed population
No fruits or seeds

Anotado por c_brunke hace más de un año

Map of the three species - our iNaturalist records.,915620,915621#9/-33.752/20.012

Anotado por tonyrebelo hace más de un año

Thanks for the great sleuthing. We are getting their fast.

Skiatophytum skiatophytoides

Known localities (GBIF & BODATSA) not yet on iNaturalist:

Franskraal W Roussou Street.
Die Dam - half-way along track (Ratelrivier)
Brandfontein and Aasfontein track
Springfield. 2km N homestead
Zoetendalsvlei - Gaansbaai rd 2 m W Agulhas-Bredasdorp rd (Jubilee Hill)
Zoetendalsvlei sw of Andrewsfield

Anotado por tonyrebelo hace más de un año

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