Informacion hasta la fecha.
Van al rededor de 3, 547 observaciones hasta el momento, con un total de 385 especies observadas hasta el día de hoy.
Van al rededor de 3, 547 observaciones hasta el momento, con un total de 385 especies observadas hasta el día de hoy.
Гніздиться в Арктиці, восени мігрує на південь, зимує в морі в Тихому океані біля західного узбережжя Південної Америки. Цього разу щось пішло не так
07.09.2024 на ставку у с.Креничі, поюлизу міського сміттєзвалища, у полівидовому скупченні мартинів. (О.Фоміна)
Перше спостереження для Київщини та України загалом.
I made a project on Inaturalist on alien insects of the Caucasus. I entered data on 70+ species. It turned out that 40 such species were noted on inat. In general, of course, there is trouble with them in the Caucasus. Many of them are terrible pests of local plants, including relict ones. Link to the project in the comments. Welcome!
Signs a koala may be sick or injured can include:
👀 Red, inflamed or crusty eyes
⛑ Very dirty, wet or brown bottom
🩹 Signs of injury such as cuts, blood or fur loss
🐨 Very skinny
🤕 Not using all four limbs when climbing or walking
🤒 Sitting at the base of a tree or in the same tree for several days
If you have spotted a sick or injured koala, please call RSPCA on 1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625) or Wildcare on 5527 2444
Вот и лето пролетело…
Ну мы то знаем, что лучшее, конечно, впереди!
А сейчас у нас очередной отчёт по биоблицу проекта "Большой год 2024. Россия".
В августе птицы (особенно в северных регионах) уже потихоньку начали двигаться в сторону зимовок, к концу месяца это движение стало заметно и в более южных регионах. Когда как не сейчас пытаться найти виды, которые гнездятся в более северных территориях, а на весеннем пролёте их не удалось застать? Да, именно сейчас, осенью.
It's only 10 days until GSB 2024 commences. It runs from 20-23 September and I'm hoping Lake Mac City will have a number of orchid observations this year as the event has moved back to early Spring.
The timing is on triennial rotation (September, October and November ) to accommodate Spring nuances across the three continents. To date 176 areas have registered across 26 countries and participants will be uploading their observations from both day and night.
Due to a recent boat accident, I mangled my four fingers (not including my thumb) on my right hand. Sadly, they had to be amputated and I may not be posting as often for a month or two while I adjust to using my left hand, and heal.
I'm supposed to be getting prosthetic fingers, hopefully in the not so distant future, and will still check my notifications routinely.
In the meantime I'll try to learn to use a camera with left hand.
The prickly rose or Alberta wild rose (Rosa acicularis) is the provincial flower of Alberta, Canada, where it is native. It is widespread and common across North America. It is associated with everlasting love in Greek mythology. Later, in Mediaeval times, it became associated with power.
Prickly rose is a bushy shrub that grows 0.5 to 1.5 meters tall and has spines, prickles, or thorns on its stems and leaves. It has compound leaves that have teeth on the edge and drop...
On a hike on the Perseverance Trail I came across some blueberry bushes. After doing some research on the history of them I discovered that the blueberry species are the most dominant Alaskan shrub. They can be found high up in the mountains, along trails, or at sea level. The shrubs' height can range from four inches to thirteen inches high! Blueberries are pollinated by bees and once they begin to blossom it will take about forty to sixty days for it to ripen. As it begins to ripen the...
Geometroid Caterpillars of Northeastern and Appalachian Forests
David Wagner's Entomology Lab
We added 5 new moths since last update, and 1 possible 1st Michigan Record. A moth with only 20 observations on iNat, and 80 occurences in GBIF.
● Radcliffe's Dagger (Acronicta radcliffei) - Observation by @wilto1cm on 09/04/24 -
We've had a lot of luck with our trail cam recently
Después de un periodo largo de ausencia, me complace compartir datos de nuestro proyecto de aves en iNaturalistMX🌵 dedicado a la maravillosa avifauna de Morelia. Gracias al entusiasmo y la colaboración de la comunidad, hemos logrado hitos significativos:
📊 Estadísticas Actuales:
31,730 observaciones de aves
345 especies identificadas
1,732 identificadores colaborando
515 observadores activos
Haciendo una revisión del listado, son 333 especies de aves l...
Hi everyone. If you're paying attention to this particular BioBlitz project, you've probably figured out by now that we've had some technical difficulties. Late last week, I was in touch with's IT folks and with NRPA, who sponsors the national Parks for Pollinators BioBlitz.
Late on Saturday, we started to see some observations appear as we were working inside City Park during the morning's BioBlitz Meet-n-Greet. Some of the City Park observations were showing u...
With all of our nonnative but established Eucalyptus trees (look around - they're everywhere), it's no wonder that we are finding this Australian beetle that eats these trees. I've observed three in the last month. Four, if you count the one being caught and (presumably) eaten by a local Native Predator, the Orbweaver Spider (Species ID pen...
The U of L has a natural ecosystem campus with grassland, riparian features, river, and uplands.
Botanical Description:
Asoka is usually a small tree growing up to 10 meters high, slow-growing when young. The bark is dark brown, gray or black. Leaves are alternate, and even-pinnate, 15 to 25 centimeters long with 3 to 6 pairs of leaflets. Leaflets are oblong or oblong-lanceolate, often blunt, up to 22 centimeters long. Depending on age, flowers are fragrant at night, orange red, or red. Corymbs are 18 centimeters across. The pod is up to 25 centimeters long.
NOLT IDs All Taxa:
Car@s INATURALISTAS Brasileiros,
mais uma vez grato pela participação.
Assim, como em 2022 e 2023 haverá um pico de observações no dia 7 de setembro indicando a atuação de muitos Inaturalistas voltados para o dia 7 de setembro.
Temos que aguardar mais alguns dias para que haja uma estabilização no aumento do número de participantes e de observações. Já nos encontramos próximo dos números de 2022 e espero que cheguemos aos números do ano passado. Veja o projeto Guarda-chuva, ...
I understand and agree to the following terms:
• Observations must be submitted to this iNaturalist project in order to be counted for an assignment and graded.
• Observations cannot be of organisms that are captive, cultivated, domesticated, dead, feral, or a specimen.
• Observations must be made between the start of this course and the assignment due date.
• Each user can only submit one observation per organism. No duplicate observations. No d...
It’s not my style to share much on social platforms. That said, I help recruit for my Texas Master Naturalist (TMN) chapter’s training class. I’d like to share my story to inspire others to consider the program. I hope you apply! I’m speaking for myself here and not for the program or chapter. Go here to find your local Texas chapter and find out about training and requirements to become a certified volunteer: https://txmn...
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Навозник Лесной
Néhány tíz vagy száz megfigyelés átnézése után borítékolhatóan találkozunk olyan növényfajjal az iNaturalistben, amit a magyar botanikusok hagyományosan más néven emlegetnek. Az eltérő névhasználat félreértésekre, hibás adatközlésre adhat alkalmat. Ezek megelőzése érdekében az alábbiakban összeszedtem a legfontosabb nevezéktani eltéréseket a legutóbbi magyar határozó, az Új Magyar Füvészkönyv (ÚMF, Király szerk. 2009), valamint az iNaturalist nevezéktana között. Fontos tudni, hogy az iNa...
40 degrees fahrenheit
2:00-2:30 pm
I did my second field journal in my backyard on University terrace. The weather was incredibly nice today so I thought that it would be nice to spend some time in my backyard since I'm not able to very often. The temperature today was 40 degrees fahrenheit at 2:00 pm. The trees that are on my street have many branches and thin trunks. The trees were about 40-50 feet tall, some with leaves hanging on, but mostly scarce of leaves. The...
Viikon 35 työtehtäviä oli puutarhan kastelu, kasveista huolehtiminen, sekä muut oheiset puutarhatyöt.
Lisäksi aloitettiin kiinnitelemään ekat kulttuuripolun rastit ja revin rikkaruohoja perennoista.
Viikon korkein lämpötila oli 24 °C ja matalin 9°C. Viikolla satoi kanssa vettä.
Viikon 36 työtehtäviä oli puutarhan kastelu, kasveista huolehtiminen, sekä muut oheiset puutarhatyöt. Lisäksi kiinnittelin kulttuuripolun rasteja ja muutin vielä karttaa.
Viikon korkein...
Hi all,
Recently I have created this project to get a better overview of all European caterpillars.
Almost 298.437 observations are currently included, of 2106 species already 56,57% made it into reseach grade thanks to the 520.280 determinations that have been added.
Observations are automatically included w...
This year's Gall Week caught me slightly by surprise, but with enough lihht left on Saturday afternoon to find 20 galls in the garden, local churchyard and our road. Many of you will have already been messaged by @giusy87, so apologies if this duplicates their message, or if you are already participating.
The project runs all of this week until Sunday 15th. Adding records is a little more work as ...
Germano Reale, Pettirosso, Cinciallegra e Fringuello le specie al momento con più osservazioni.
Ecco il link per vedere il riassunto: