23 de mayo de 2015

Global Snapshot for Biodiversity 2015

Plants - DONE
Protozoans - Sorry, am just not on the up and up on slime molds, that is, I did photograph some slimy mold but don't know if it's a slime mold so I didn't upload it.
Fungi (including lichens) -DONE
Mollusks - DONE

Ray-finned fishes - DONE
Birds - DONE

Reptiles - DONE
Amphibians - DONE
Mammals - DONE Never been so happy to see a mouse.

Insects - DONE

Arachnids - DONE

Other Animals - I know where some crustaceans live nearby, will see if I'm able to photograph them tomorrow.
Kelp, Diatoms, and Allies - DONE!

Publicado el 23 de mayo de 2015 a las 08:09 PM por romeheather romeheather | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

20 de mayo de 2015

Day 4 Global Snapshot (yesterday)

Bit by bit, I'm beginning to learn a little about how to proceed uploading images of wildlife I observe to National Geographic's Great Nature Project and the Global Snapshot project May 15th-25th.

So far, I've learned how to add 2nd images to observations, how to edit the location on maps, and how to add observations to the Global Snapshot project.

I continue to be slow on the curve of learning how to identify what I've observed. For example; I photographed a moth, have asked for help identifying it, looked up possibilities for identification but don't know yet how to refine my identification or make a suggestion about what type of moth it may be.

This morning I wrote a message to Carrie Seltzer, curator of the project to see if there are any plans to do a write up about the 10 day Global Snapshot Project when the time period is over.

Publicado el 20 de mayo de 2015 a las 06:28 AM por romeheather romeheather | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

17 de mayo de 2015

Day 3 Global snapshot...

Slowly, I'm getting a handle on the uploading business and was able as well to add the today's images to both the Great Nature Project and the Global Snapshot project.

I have a question, however. May I upload images I took a few days ago: May 15th, to the Global snapshot project? I'd deleted them even though they'd been identified, because I hadn't yet learned that I needed to put multiple images of the same observation together on one Inaturalist observation page.

Thanks to other members who told me this. Also great thanks to members that have helped me to identify some of the subjects of Nature's wonders.

Publicado el 17 de mayo de 2015 a las 02:39 PM por romeheather romeheather | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

16 de mayo de 2015

Day 2 of Global Snapshot

I'm enjoying this global snapshot biodiversity adventure...that is, I love going for walks observing the wild plants, animals and insects I see and photographing them. The idea that others participate and help to identify the various species is very supportive, educational and amazing.

Unfortunately, I'm still having a very tough time learning a logical way to proceed through submitting observations and images.

Although I LOVE the idea of a global snapshot of biodiversity around the planet, so far I've failed to be able to gather a sense about the project---so while participating, I'm hoping that with patience eventually I'll learn more about what the global snapshot project IS!!!

Publicado el 16 de mayo de 2015 a las 07:20 PM por romeheather romeheather | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

15 de mayo de 2015

Global Snapshot

Today is 1st day of Global Snapshot initiative 2015, for the Great Nature Project sponsored by National Geographic Society, which I learned about from reading an Editor's Spotlight article yesterday in the Your Shot Community...So far I'm still learning how to edit my observations and have been informed that when I take multiple images of one plant, insect, animal etc. that I am to combine them into one observation on the i.Naturist.org site.

Easier said than done. I TRIED to add other images to the same observation page but they didn't upload, even when I waited patiently. So, I deleted images that were of the same subject but at slightly different angles and one other observation altogether.

Perhaps I will try to reload the images later. Although I'm thrilled that plants and species that I was unfamiliar with were identified by others, the process of learning how to navigate through this project hasn't been easy.

Meanwhile, I spread the word and invited other participants in a Facebook discussion group of the Your Shot Community to read the Editor's update from yesterday and join in if they wish.

Publicado el 15 de mayo de 2015 a las 01:42 PM por romeheather romeheather | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
