Global Snapshot for Biodiversity 2015

Plants - DONE
Protozoans - Sorry, am just not on the up and up on slime molds, that is, I did photograph some slimy mold but don't know if it's a slime mold so I didn't upload it.
Fungi (including lichens) -DONE
Mollusks - DONE

Ray-finned fishes - DONE
Birds - DONE

Reptiles - DONE
Amphibians - DONE
Mammals - DONE Never been so happy to see a mouse.

Insects - DONE

Arachnids - DONE

Other Animals - I know where some crustaceans live nearby, will see if I'm able to photograph them tomorrow.
Kelp, Diatoms, and Allies - DONE!

Publicado el 23 de mayo de 2015 a las 08:09 PM por romeheather romeheather


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