Day 4 Global Snapshot (yesterday)

Bit by bit, I'm beginning to learn a little about how to proceed uploading images of wildlife I observe to National Geographic's Great Nature Project and the Global Snapshot project May 15th-25th.

So far, I've learned how to add 2nd images to observations, how to edit the location on maps, and how to add observations to the Global Snapshot project.

I continue to be slow on the curve of learning how to identify what I've observed. For example; I photographed a moth, have asked for help identifying it, looked up possibilities for identification but don't know yet how to refine my identification or make a suggestion about what type of moth it may be.

This morning I wrote a message to Carrie Seltzer, curator of the project to see if there are any plans to do a write up about the 10 day Global Snapshot Project when the time period is over.

Publicado el 20 de mayo de 2015 a las 06:28 AM por romeheather romeheather


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