Global Snapshot

Today is 1st day of Global Snapshot initiative 2015, for the Great Nature Project sponsored by National Geographic Society, which I learned about from reading an Editor's Spotlight article yesterday in the Your Shot Community...So far I'm still learning how to edit my observations and have been informed that when I take multiple images of one plant, insect, animal etc. that I am to combine them into one observation on the site.

Easier said than done. I TRIED to add other images to the same observation page but they didn't upload, even when I waited patiently. So, I deleted images that were of the same subject but at slightly different angles and one other observation altogether.

Perhaps I will try to reload the images later. Although I'm thrilled that plants and species that I was unfamiliar with were identified by others, the process of learning how to navigate through this project hasn't been easy.

Meanwhile, I spread the word and invited other participants in a Facebook discussion group of the Your Shot Community to read the Editor's update from yesterday and join in if they wish.

Publicado el 15 de mayo de 2015 a las 01:42 PM por romeheather romeheather


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