Archivos de Diario para enero 2020

30 de enero de 2020

Welcome to the Environment Recovery Project!

Thank you for joining the Environment Recovery Project. Not even 24 hours in and we’re already over 160 observations! As a member of this project, you’re a citizen scientist who is actively contributing scientifically meaningful information about Australian biodiversity following the massive (and ongoing) fire season of 2019-2020.

When submitting an observation, please use one submission per subject. This means if you have, for example, a koala, a fern, and a mushroom, or a Eucalyptus, a fern, and a grass, these should each be submitted separately. It's great to submit multiple photos or soundclips of the subject as this is helpful for identification.

To ensure everyone makes the most out of their observations, please be sure to select the ‘Observation Field’ that applies (e.g. Animal: ‘native alive’ for a live wombat, ‘unsure’ if you are not sure). Select ‘na’ or simply leave blank fields that do not apply. If you have misapplied fields to your observations, don’t worry, you can easily edit them.

Your moderator team on the project is:

Casey @alpine_flora_of_australia
Corey @coreytcallaghan
Guy @gtaseski
Thomas @thebeachcomber
Will @wcornwell

For brand new iNaturalist users, welcome, and feel free to reach out if you’re uncertain of the process. We’re here to help and support you!

Publicado el 30 de enero de 2020 a las 06:04 AM por alpine_flora_of_australia alpine_flora_of_australia | 12 comentarios | Deja un comentario