Archivos de Diario para marzo 2021

17 de marzo de 2021

Project update: positive stories and publications

Greetings everyone,

Well, we are most certainly overdue for a journal post! First of all, we'd like to extend a big thank you to everybody who has been adding to the project, from long-time members with hundreds or even thousands of observations (you people are citizen/community science powerhouses!) to brand new members.

Here's a few things that have been going on with the project:

This week, we published a short piece in The Conversation detailing 5 remarkable stories of flora and fauna in the aftermath of Australia’s horror bushfire season using observations submitted to the project. Some of your photographs are even showcased in the article!

You can read it here:

Something that came out last year that I didn't end up posting about (I was rather pregnant!) is the first peer reviewed paper from the project - Rapidly mapping fire effects on biodiversity at a large-scale using citizen science.

Here's a quick summary:

•Citizen scientists were able to rapidly collect data on biodiversity following bushfires (within days), moving much faster than conventional timeframes.
•Data that citizen scientists provided on fire severity (burn height and canopy scorch) nicely matched 'hotspots' satellite data. What this means is in areas where satellites recorded very hot burn areas, your data reflected this by showing high values for tree scorch height (burnt right to the top) and either complete canopy scorch or canopy completely consumed.
•Data was collected at a scale that matched the extent of the firegrounds, and on a wide range of biodiversity - fungi, animals, plants, lichen

For a PDF of the paper, just message me with your email address.

We'll be more active on the journal posts from here on in!

Happy nature-observing everyone


Publicado el 17 de marzo de 2021 a las 09:54 PM por alpine_flora_of_australia alpine_flora_of_australia | 3 comentarios | Deja un comentario