Welcome to the Environment Recovery Project!

Thank you for joining the Environment Recovery Project. Not even 24 hours in and we’re already over 160 observations! As a member of this project, you’re a citizen scientist who is actively contributing scientifically meaningful information about Australian biodiversity following the massive (and ongoing) fire season of 2019-2020.

When submitting an observation, please use one submission per subject. This means if you have, for example, a koala, a fern, and a mushroom, or a Eucalyptus, a fern, and a grass, these should each be submitted separately. It's great to submit multiple photos or soundclips of the subject as this is helpful for identification.

To ensure everyone makes the most out of their observations, please be sure to select the ‘Observation Field’ that applies (e.g. Animal: ‘native alive’ for a live wombat, ‘unsure’ if you are not sure). Select ‘na’ or simply leave blank fields that do not apply. If you have misapplied fields to your observations, don’t worry, you can easily edit them.

Your moderator team on the project is:

Casey @alpine_flora_of_australia
Corey @coreytcallaghan
Guy @gtaseski
Thomas @thebeachcomber
Will @wcornwell

For brand new iNaturalist users, welcome, and feel free to reach out if you’re uncertain of the process. We’re here to help and support you!

Publicado el 30 de enero de 2020 a las 06:04 AM por alpine_flora_of_australia alpine_flora_of_australia


Hi, I just love this project! I won't be able to observe for a few months but look forward to following the project until then. I plan to be walking/camping around Croajingalong/Mallacoota area sept/oct with three other observers. All the best with this, Brenda

Anotado por ngaruru hace mas de 4 años

Thanks for this awesome approach to a big disaster. I'll pass it on to friends & send my pics when I have some. CHeers,
Anna Jarrett

Anotado por annajarrett hace mas de 4 años

Thank you for letting me join. I'm out in the field a fair bit as part of the recovery phase with the SES.
Happy to obtain as many pics as possible.
Hope it helps in some way. :-)
Cheers David

Anotado por ses_david hace mas de 4 años

Hi Casey and team.

Hoping to establish a bioblitz on our farm that will seek to use this project to capture the data.

More information and registration can be found here: https://facebook.com/events/s/burnt-easter-bioblitz-2020/827147834396092/?ti=as


Greg Steenbeeke

Anotado por orkology hace mas de 4 años

Is there a map of areas that you'd like covered?

Anotado por becwilholt hace mas de 4 años

@becwilholt anywhere you can cover will be great :)

Anotado por thebeachcomber hace mas de 4 años

Is this only for eastern states fire areas?

Anotado por susanfoster hace mas de 4 años

@susanfoster any fire-affected areas welcome

Anotado por thebeachcomber hace mas de 4 años

Ok great, thank you.

Anotado por susanfoster hace mas de 4 años

hello - just joined to get more info on project.
one suggestion: create a mapping of areas where you need data from. Currently the terms of this project are extremely loose. I am planning a trip and knowing which area to focus on for this project would help me contribute by planning excursion accordingly.
Many thanks

Anotado por la_sab hace casi 4 años

Hi @la_sab and welcome to iNat and the project! We're actually working on a series of maps showing priority areas + taxa as we speak, so watch this space for more info :)

Anotado por thebeachcomber hace casi 4 años

The map idea is good. Was hoping something like this would be created so I know what areas to target. Will be looking forward to more information.

Anotado por ses_david hace casi 4 años

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