Burlington Seasons Clock October 1st Update

Our clock has certainly gotten a UVM bump to start off the fall with observations pouring in daily! Notable sightings in the second half of September include the first phoebe in months, several more endangered monarch butterflies, and only the second wood frog observation of the year. There was even a flowering purple-flowered raspberry sent in about a month after the previous withering specimen was seen.

Coming up in October, keep looking for more woolly bears and the last of the monarchs for the year. Some winter species behavior should be coming back soon as well, which presents and interesting challenge for displaying out findings on the clock. Notice that the black-capped chickadees are shown September through April now since they were found singing their "fee-bee" song again. Being that they only sing it in the colder months, we can't connect those sound observations through the summer.

Check on the current clock and see a GIF past years' clock data here:

Happy observing!

-Gustave Sexauer
Burlington Wildways

Publicado el 01 de octubre de 2020 a las 02:38 AM por gsexauer gsexauer


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