Burlington Seasons Clock November 1st Update

With the number of leaves on the trees dwindling, observations on iNaturalist do too. Let's buck that trend and continue to report on our focus species!

This past month we had continued observations of red fox, chipmunks, robins, woolly bears, leopard frogs, and likely the last of the monarchs. Winter based species and winter behaviors are starting to return with new observations of black-capped chickadees singing their "fee-bee" songs and the return of the common merganser.

Be on the lookout in November for "murders" of crows: that's a group of three or more which usually only occurs in winter when food is more scarce. Also coming up is our first instance of snowpack, which is the only non-living thing on our seasons clock at this time. You also might be lucky enough to see reptiles and amphibians one more time before they head underground. Don't let the cold grey skies discourage you from enjoying nature this time of year!

Check on the current clock and see a GIF past years' clock data here:

Stay warm!

-Gustave Sexauer
Burlington Wildways

Publicado el 02 de noviembre de 2020 a las 10:44 PM por gsexauer gsexauer


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