Burlington Seasons Clock September 15th Update

Welcome UVM students who are just joining the project! There has certainly been an influx of observations of our focus species this month. As summer is winding down and the mornings get chillier by the week, many of our species will be hanging it up for the year. Now is the perfect time to go and find them before they're gone! Traditionally, beavers, box elder bugs, monarchs, phoebes, woolly bears, and garter snakes are all still around in the coming month. Also, be sure to check check the Project List page to make sure you are submitting observations of the focus species with the focus phenology characteristics (in italics under some species):


For instance, we are interested in when crows form murders, but not when they are solitary or in pairs, and we want to know when chickadees sing the "fee-bee" song, so only observations with those sound bites will end up linked to the project. However, some focus species have no qualifiers and we are just recording their presence, like robins, milkweed, and monarchs.

Check on the current clock and see a GIF past years' clock data here:

Happy observing!

-Gustave Sexauer
Burlington Wildways

Publicado el 15 de septiembre de 2020 a las 09:02 PM por gsexauer gsexauer


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