Burlington Seasons Clock September 1st Update

We know what the cool breeze and the changing leaves mean for the seasons, and so do the plants and animals in Burlington. The geese are beginning to form teams and fly through the city, and other migrators are soon to follow. Although it may seem melancholy, it is important for us to mark the calendar with the "lasts" of the summer. As our climate shifts, we need to learn how species adapt and shift with it... or not. This month, try and make the last observations of the year of double-crested cormorants, yellow garden spiders, box elder bugs, and purple flowered raspberries.

In August, we surpassed 400 observations for the year! This was thanks to many garden spiders in the later half of August and the "reappearance" of several species that had gone unseen for a month or more like muskrats, ospreys, and red fox. Stay vigilant for the Isabella tiger moth, yet unseen in Burlington.

Check on the current clock and see a GIF past years' clock data here:

-Gustave Sexauer
Burlington Wildways

Publicado el 02 de septiembre de 2020 a las 11:01 AM por gsexauer gsexauer


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