September 18th, 2022
Vicky Bonwick, Andrew Mollison, Roger Parkyn plus 7 other packrafters. Flynn, Cerri and Mel shown treatments methods, PPE and safety protocols ready for induction by Morgan.
When: Sun 18/09/2022
Where: Packrafted Tyenna River Station Road to Sharpes Road.
- 71016765RR: Previously treated willows river right 100m downstream of Station Road houses are definitely dead but there's still a live one next to one of the houses that'll need permission to tackle.
72216863RL: MGA Zone 55: 472213E 5268633N First treatment: DCP No. 07 River Left
Drilled and filled main trunks and cut and pasted rooting branches and hauled up bank. Will definitely need revisiting in a few months time as lots of re-rooting branches possibly missed.- 73116989RR: MGA Zone 55: 473109E 5269889N New willow mapped river right 50m from house. Will need stakeholder engagement as outside of riverine environment. Couldn't get close but showed exactly same leaf budding as other willows.