02/04/2022 - Maydena to Station Road - River Left
Who: Vicky Bonwick, Paul Steane, Roger Parkyn
When: 2/04/2022
Initial treatments: Sites 01 and 03 on River Left
Follow up treatments:
1) River Left between Junee Road and Site 01 on western most overflow channel (-42.751002463658516, 146.62311670483078) Previously treated in 2021 but was still showing signs of life where branches touched the ground and had re-rooted. One small tree had been missed.
2) Immediately downstream of site 03, single tree on River Right had been treated 2021 when water was too high. Branches had re-rooted in river bed. All removed and sprayed.
Lessons learned:
Need about a litre of spray for each team per day and 1 dabber bottle.
When water is low it's the only time to cut (loppers), dab and physically remove all re-rooting branches from river bed. (Easy to do, increases effectiveness of main trunk treatments and removes paddling hazards immediately.) Wetsuit + neoprene booties in boots worked well.