Diario del proyecto Illinois Botanists Big Year 2019

Archivos de Diario para abril 2019

18 de abril de 2019

April 2019 Update of the ILBBY

This weenie Androsace occidentalis taken by @vvoelker in Peoria County was chosen as iNat's Observation of the Day last week:


It's April 18th and the ILBBY 2019's got:

355 observers (+281)
4087 research grade observations of plants (+3130)
548 species (+225)
236 identifiers (+138)

There are eight naturalists who have observed over 100 species: @wildlandblogger @johnhboldt @missgreen @dziomber @sanguinaria33 @kkucera @bouteloua and @skrentnyjeff. @wildlandblogger is on a mission, with over 1000 research grade plant observations in Illinois (315 species) in less than 4 months.

Cute Plant Pics

Our most-observed species have swapped from easy/common winter trees to easy/common spring wildflowers: spring beauty (Claytonia virginica), bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis), prairie trillium (Trillium recurvatum), and Dutchman's breeches (Dicentra cucullaria).

Just some lovely spring beauties by @janeogilvie in Lake County:

A pretty bloodroot with friend by @mjadams in Woodford County:

Check out these crazy super-leaved trilliums observed by @raspberrybee in Kane County:

City Nature Challenge 2019

Folks in northeast Illinois, get ready for the City Nature Challenge next weekend (April 26th through 29th).
Ways to participate: join the project, find an event near you, go iNatting, and/or help identify the flood of observations that come in.

Help Identify

As always, please help your fellow botanists, when yr able, to identify/confirm their observations.

New to Illinois on iNat

And keep an eye on these links for any new documentations in 2019.
I commented on a few that folks like @psweet @wildlandblogger @paulroots and others may have found!
Publicado el 18 de abril de 2019 a las 02:14 PM por bouteloua bouteloua | 4 comentarios | Deja un comentario