Diario del proyecto Great Southern Bioblitz 2021 - Fiji

Archivos de Diario para octubre 2021

21 de octubre de 2021

The Bioblitz has started in Fiji.

Suva calling in!!

We are second country behind New Zealand (who are one hour ahead of us due to daylight savings time) to report in for the 2021 Bioblitz. Just after midnight, I turned on the bright lights and found our Pacific Dtella Geckos that are always around keeping the insect populations at bay in the house, plus three insects attracted to the bright light: a stinkbug, a pug moth and a drone fly.

Over the next few days, we will be surveying a variety of reef, forest and residential/town/garden habitats around Suva, and hope to bring you many more species.

Happy Bioblitzing everyone!!! Over and out and good night from beautiful Suva, Fiji.

Publicado el 21 de octubre de 2021 a las 01:08 PM por birdexplorers birdexplorers | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

22 de octubre de 2021

Day one done and dusted

The NatureFiji-MareqetiViti Team and friends was down at the Nasese mudflats making observations as the ocean tides went out then came back in. The team was able to spot migratory birds (Dilio, Ruddy turnstone, Wandering tattlers and Bar-Tailed Godwits to name a few) feeding at the mud flats. The team actually saw a Bar-Tailed Godwit catch a eel.

Once the tides were low enough the team headed into to the mud flats to find out what could the migratory birds be feeding on ? Armerd with shovels, buckets, sieves and protection from the Sun the team Got to work. Easiest things to note were Sea grasses, sea weeds and the masses of Fiddler crabs who seemed to be camera shy, always dashing for cover each time we got closer for a second look

At the same time @birdexplorers was also busy observing migratory birds, insects herpetofauna and the only observation of a flying fox for the day. @mro679 is currently leading in observations with beautiful Flora and Fauna from the island of Ovalau

The NFMV Team and friends continued to dig around in the mudflats finding snake eels, Polychaete worms, sea anomies, lots of barnacles, gastropods, bivalves and a few more organisms that we hope to get identified on inaturalist. Amongst all the life was the odd plastic in the area, which seemed surprising as i have seen a lot more rubbish floating around during pervious visits, hopefully its a sign of a change of habit or the tides were just gracious towards us.

At around 3:30pm the tides began their march back into the mudflats. The migratory birds gathered on the last remaining patches of dry mudflat with their backs towards the sun and their beaks facing the incoming flow of water quit possibly waiting for dinner to be served. By 4pm the team had packed up for the day and the mud flats were fully submerged ready to continue its cycle tomorrow.

Meanwhile @jasha just got into the Nasese mud flats area to make some observations in the adjacent mangroves making 11 observations and identifying 8 different species. @ana_ravai was able to sneak in a few observations on Suvas Flora. All in all we had enough observers to be mentioned in this post (5) who made a total of 70 observations and identified 60 different species. Id say thats a good start for day 1. looking forward to more observations for day two (today).

Publicado el 22 de octubre de 2021 a las 06:42 PM por jakeyjakes jakeyjakes | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

23 de octubre de 2021

First Photographed Active Nest of Fiji Pink-billed Parrot Finch!!!

Great 'Great Southern Bioblitz' news from Team Fiji. Vilikesa Masibalavu discovered an active nest of the Pink-billed Parrot Finch (Erythrura kleinschmidti) a few weeks ago in the Sovi Basin. As part of the Great Southern Bioblitz, Vili and Kevin went there today to see if it was still active. It was!! To our knowledge, this is only the second nest ever recorded, and the first time in history one has been photographed.

The nest was a large dome structure constucted primarily from adjacent old bamboo leaves (Bambusa vulgaris) and found in an introduced African Tulip Tree (Spathodea campanulata) about 9 m off the ground near the top of tree. Entry to the nest was from underneath (see photos). At least one adult parrot finch was seen continuously coming back and forth to the nest at 15-20 minute intervals, and then spending 1-2 minute at the nest before going out again.

We photographed it all from a very respectful distance, and as the nest was quite high, the birds and nest were not disturbed in any way, although there were plenty of Jungle Mynas, Red-vented Bulbuls and Western Wattled Honeyeaters foraging in the same tulip tree around the nest and occasionally making the nest slightly sway when they were jumping in the branches.

Between all the work of all the various groups in Team Fiji including Jake and the Nature Fiji Teams, looks like we will more than double our species level from 2020!!

Publicado el 23 de octubre de 2021 a las 08:49 AM por birdexplorers birdexplorers | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
