Impact of Australasian Fishes - Sept 2018

Australasian Fishes went online in October 2016. Since then, over 36,000 observations (>2000 species) uploaded by members have resulted in over 200 discoveries. For more details contact Mark McGrouther.

A selection of the recent discoveries:

Observation summary:
Subject Number of observations
Range extension / first record 100
Diet / feeding 19
Parasite / fungus 14
New species / newly described     7
Colour pattern 19
Damage / injuries 10
Courtship / reproduction 20
Behavioural information 10
Publicado el 27 de septiembre de 2018 a las 12:32 AM por markmcg markmcg


Great work Mark! A very clear catalogue of some very interesting finds :)

Anotado por henrick hace casi 6 años

Well done! This is a great example of citizen science.

Anotado por leonperrie hace casi 6 años

Many of the findings are pointed out to me by members. You are the people who deserve all the credit! Thank you.

Anotado por markmcg hace casi 6 años

Great tally Mark and an excellent reminder of how far we've gotten with the help of the community.

Anotado por harryrosenthal hace casi 6 años

@harryrosenthal The recent discoveries table is now done as an image. I used to do it as a table in html with links. That too ages to do, which is why there hasn't been an impacts journal entry for a while. Presenting this information as an image means that I can more regularly post this kind of information.

Anotado por markmcg hace mas de 5 años

Hi Mark. You sent me an invite for Australasian Fishes and I accepted. But I joined pretty recently and I can't post my observation on the project. Just send how please.

Anotado por faunadragon27 hace mas de 5 años

Hi @faunadragon27 This video is a little bit old but it will guide you through the process. Thanks for joining the Australasian Fishes community. :) Feel free to contact me again if you have any other questions.

Anotado por markmcg hace mas de 5 años

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