Diario del proyecto Australasian Fishes

05 de septiembre de 2024

Unexpected Sighting of a Cocktail Wrasse in New South Wales Waters

On December 28, 2023, marine photographer Matt Dowse captured an incredible image of a Cocktail Wrasse Pteragogus flagellifer, far south of its recognized range. This tropical fish occurs in the Indo-West Pacific region including along Australia’s East Coast from Cape York (11°56'S) to Southport (27°56'S) in Queensland. 'Matt's fish' was observed in Swansea Channel (33°05'S), New South Wales, approximately 370 km south of Southport.
Reflecting on the encounter, Matt stated:
"When I first encountered the Cocktail Wrasse at Swansea Channel, I immediately recognized it as something I hadn’t seen before. Since my initial photo on December 27, 2023, wasn’t clear, I returned the next day to capture a better image for identification. I found the wrasse in a similar spot as the previous day, on the southeastern side of the channel near the entrance to Black Ned’s Bay, in about 5-6 meters of water. The weather was sunny and warm, with typical Swansea visibility around 5-6 meters."
This sighting not only sparks interest within the marine biology community but also raises questions about potential shifts in marine species' distributions, which are happening frequently. See the last two journal posts (An Unexpected Encounter: Clown Triggerfish Photographed at Dalmeny and Seawhip Goby - a new record for LHI Marine Park).
The Cocktail Wrasse grows to about 20 cm in length. It is known for the membranes of the dorsal fin spines, which are elongated to filaments. These filaments are very long in males.
Matt Dowse’s dedication and sharp eye have added a valuable data point to the ongoing study of marine life, showcasing how passion for the ocean can contribute to scientific knowledge. As climate patterns change and ocean conditions shift, sightings like this offer a window into the evolving dynamics of marine ecosystems. This discovery is a reminder of the wonders awaiting just below the surface and the importance of documenting these rare moments.
Publicado el 05 de septiembre de 2024 a las 01:06 AM por markmcg markmcg | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

29 de agosto de 2024

An Unexpected Encounter: Clown Triggerfish Photographed at Dalmeny

In a remarkable discovery, Jeroen van Meenen (@jeroenvanmeenen) captured a photograph of a Clown Triggerfish, Balistoides conspicillum, during a dive with his daughter at Dalmeny, New South Wales. This species can be easily recognised by its distinctive pattern and colouration.
On the east coast of Australia, the species is recorded from Lizard Island, Queensland (14°40'S) to Port Stephens, New South Wales (32°45'S), making the Clown Triggerfish's appearance at Dalmeny (36°10'S) quite extraordinary. This location is approximately 250 kilometres further south than its recognized distribution. For more information on the distribution of the species, you can visit the species page on the Australian Faunal Directory.
Jeroen made his observation on March 30, 2024, at a depth of 7-8 meters. Reflecting on the moment, he stated, "Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get closer and take some better shots as I was with my daughter, and she was running low on air." Despite the circumstances, he managed to capture a photo of this unique encounter.
Upon seeing the Clown Triggerfish, Jeroen's initial reaction was a mix of surprise and admiration. "I thought, what the hell is a Clown Triggerfish doing here! And also, how amazing is this shore dive site with Grey Nurse Sharks, Turtles, Port Jacksons, and pretty cool landscapes. I need to go back there one day, bringing my sea scooter," he remarked.
This observation is a significant contribution to our knowledge of the distributional range of the species, and we extend our gratitude to Jeroen for uploading it to iNaturalist and joining the Australasian Fishes Project.
Publicado el 29 de agosto de 2024 a las 01:43 AM por markmcg markmcg | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

15 de agosto de 2024

Seawhip Goby - a new record for LHI Marine Park

We're thrilled to share an exciting new record for Lord Howe Island Marine Park!
A recent photograph by @chris_cooki captured a stunning Seawhip Goby, Bryaninops yongei, perched on a Wire Coral, Cirrhipathes sp. This observation was made at the spectacular Ball's Pyramid about 23 km southeast of Lord Howe Island. Ball's Pyramid is known not only for being awesome above water, but also for its dramatic underwater landscapes.
The Seawhip Goby is known to inhabit tropical waters across the Indo-west-central Pacific. In Australia, it has been recorded from northwestern Western Australia and along the Great Barrier Reef, extending from Yonge Reef to Swains Reef in Queensland. This sighting in Lord Howe Island Marine Park adds a significant new location to the known range of the species.
The new record not only enhances our knowledge of the species’ distribution but also underscores the ecological significance of this unique marine reserve.
A special thank you goes out to goby expert Helen Larson, whose expertise was crucial in confirming the identification of this beautiful fish.
Ball's Pyramid image By JillBBruce - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=62764587
Publicado el 15 de agosto de 2024 a las 01:39 AM por markmcg markmcg | 7 comentarios | Deja un comentario

07 de agosto de 2024

A Remarkable Journey of Recovery for a Blind Shark

Beginning in February 2023, at Nelson Bay, New South Wales, an extraordinary series of observations captured the recovery journey of a Blind Shark from a severe facial injury. These observations were made by Brian Mayes, @brian_r_mayes.
Brian shared, "Over a year ago, I found a Blind Shark with a severe facial wound. Five weeks later, I found it again, and it had recovered slightly. A year later, I observed it again, and by this time, it had mostly recovered, except for the scar on its face."
When Brian first encountered the wounded shark, its head was protruding from under a ledge, and it was continuously flicking its head from side to side every 2 to 3 seconds. He speculated that the head flicking was a reaction to the wound, possibly providing some relief.
The wound appeared quite severe, leading Brian to wonder if it had been attacked by another shark. Given that the Fly Point dive site is within a no-take marine sanctuary, he thought that a fish hook wound seemed unlikely. Brian sent a photo to Dr Dave Harasti, @daveharasti, a local marine biologist, who commented, "Wow, that is brutal. I would say that is a fishing-related injury."
Concerned about the shark's survival, Brian questioned its ability to catch and eat food with such an injury. He also pondered whether Blind Sharks are territorial or roam extensively, unsure if he would see the shark again. This question was answered when, five weeks later, Brian found the shark again within about 50 meters of the previous location at Fly Point, with its wound starting to heal. However, the head flicking persisted, raising concerns about potential permanent damage.
A year later, during a return trip to Nelson Bay, Brian managed to find the shark once more. The wound had significantly improved, leaving only a noticeable white scar, and the head flicking had ceased.
Brian expressed his dedication to monitoring the shark's progress, stating, "Next time I'm back in Nelson Bay, I'll be looking for the shark again to check on its progress. I'm not sure how old the shark is or how many years they live for, but we'll try to monitor it from now on.”
On behalf of the Australasian Fishes Project community, we thank Brian for uploading these fascinating observations and wish him the best of luck in finding the shark again. Its recovery from such a brutal wound is truly remarkable.
Publicado el 07 de agosto de 2024 a las 05:11 AM por markmcg markmcg | 6 comentarios | Deja un comentario

18 de julio de 2024

Celebrating a milestone with an unforgettable dive in Piopiotahi

Sara Ebsworth (@squirrelychops) recently celebrated her 40th birthday in an extraordinary way. Along with her partner, Dave, she embarked on a 2-day dive trip in Piopiotahi (Milford Sound), an adventure filled with awe-inspiring marine encounters.
The unique underwater world of Piopiotahi
Piopiotahi's fiords offer a unique diving experience where deepwater species are sometimes seen at accessible depths. This phenomenon is due to reduced light penetration due to the following factors.

  • An average annual rainfall of 7m, resulting in a thick layer of freshwater forming at the surface.
  • Limited sunlight - about 182 rainy days per year.
  • Deep shadows cast by the steep surrounding mountains.
  • Tannins leached from the surrounding beech forests that stain the water.
An encounter with a juvenile dogfish
Diving with Descend Scuba Diving, Sara and Dave were part of a group of four exploring depths down to 24m. During the dive, at a depth between 10m and 20m, Sara had a memorable encounter with a little dogfish, which slowly swam around her.
“The area has been a protected marine reserve since 1993, so the animals there are quite tame,” Sara explained.
Not knowing much about the species, Sara turned to the iNaturalist community for help with an identification. Clinton Duffy, who with Peter Last re-described and resurrected the species in 2007, identified the fish as Squalus griffini, the Northern Spiny Dogfish. View distribution and depth information on Fishbase.
“It was pretty cool to have Clinton Duffy identify it, especially since he played a significant role in the species' rediscovery,” Sara said. “I was lucky to get such a clear shot of it, although the camera struggled in the low light.”
Clinton Duffy praised her photo, noting, “There aren't many underwater images of this species, especially none of juveniles. They usually occur below diving depths.”
A dive to remember
Reflecting on her experience, Sara felt privileged to have seen a species of fish that is so rarely observed. “I’m pretty sure I saw another dogfish the next day, but I didn’t manage to get a photo. I highly recommend diving Piopiotahi, where you might also be privileged to see a deepwater species!”
Publicado el 18 de julio de 2024 a las 01:38 AM por markmcg markmcg | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

02 de julio de 2024

Member profile - Hsini Lin

Frequently people of my generation, Baby Boomers, had a stock standard response upon hearing that a friend’s relationship with another had suddenly fallen apart. In those days, it was common for someone to say upon receipt of such bad news, “There’s plenty of fish in the sea.” Of course, this was before overfishing, global warming and ocean dumping made this statement increasingly less accurate. Perhaps use of this oceanic reference played a small role in the growth of the Australasian Fishes project, as it may summarise the optimistic perspective that there’s plenty of observations for the project to be made in the sea.
For those of us who are frequent visitors to the marine setting, we often notice it is inhabited by marine creatures, other than fish. Under the waves resides a universe of sea plants, crabs, worms and other strange and unworldly creatures on display for the citizen scientist. While the Australasian Fishes project does not collect images of sea creatures other than fish, I would guess there are many in our project who upload their non-fish images to iNaturalist so experts can assist in their proper identification. An examination of other marine related projects shows that many Australasian Fishes participants who regularly contribute to our project, also load observations of other interesting examples of sea life. Occasionally, I too have found myself, on a 'low fish’ day resorting to photographing sponges, urchins and my favourite back up: sea slugs. Like most engaged in citizen science, I am eager to learn their names and greatly value the assistance I receive from specialists, through the global iNaturalist community. For the most part, those who identify my non-fish observations are people completely unknown to me, but who have taken the time and effort to provide me with an identification.
One of the pleasures I receive from using iNaturalist, is that it introduces me to many other knowledgeable citizen scientists, who display a very keen interest in the observations of others. Many have formed their own projects, both inside and outside of iNaturalist, where groups of people meet online to identify and study images of their favourite classes of sea creatures from all over the planet. In my discussions with Australasian Fishes participants, this access to global professional and citizen scientists is frequently cited as one of the most significant benefits of iNaturalist.
As mentioned, like many, I find nudibranchs, or sea slugs, very interesting. They are colourful, cryptic and tend to hold still for photography. Their numerus shapes, sizes and patterns make them unique residents to our Australian and New Zealand waters. While I post my images in iNaturalist, I am often gratified to receive the proper identification from people like the subject of this Bio Blurb, Hsini Lin. After several years of support from Hsini, I wanted to learn more about her, and her response to me was:
“I’m a classical music concert performer, Professor of Piano and Cello as well as a diver and citizen scientist with special interests on sea slugs. I moved to Italy more than 30 years ago for a Piano Performance Masterclass after university in Taiwan, and there I remain.
Many years ago, while diving, I found a nudibranch in the Maldives but had no idea what it was. With some research, I found Neville Coleman's e-mail and sent him an ID request plus a question about advice for a good sea slug book. Well, Neville sent me his Nudibranchs Encyclopedia and I fell in love with these wonderful creatures. It opened up a world to me. I then started studying them by reading scientific literature (more than 2500 papers in my folder), looking at as many photos as possible to train my eyes and diving.
After years of dedication on Nudibase, the biggest sea slugs identification group on Facebook, I’m currently building a database of these amazing creatures for Taiwan (1000+ species) with the intention to attract more Taiwanese young people to be passionate about sea slug taxonomy. Taiwan is located in a particular position where the cold current from the north meets the warm water from the equator, resulting in a wealth of species. Lately, specimens collected by my group members have been confirmed to be Ceratodoris plebeia (Bergh, 1902), a species that has hardly been found since its original description. In Paz-Sedano et al., 2024, they showed for the first time scanning electron microscope images of cuticles, radulae, and penis of this species, and a complete description has been provided. Moreover, I'm managing the Seaslugs of the World project on iNaturalist, a program created to continue the great work done by the Sea Slug Forum. Digital photography and the internet have given a great hand to taxonomy, and iNat offers a valuable platform for grouping photos and various information of each species from which many studies can arise.”
For those project members unfamiliar with the iNaturalist project of Sea Slugs of the World, it currently contains over 390,000 observations of 2,331 species of sea slugs. It has observations submitted by over 24,000 observers. The names of many of those observers would be familiar to Australasian Fishes project members. Of course, Hsini leads the project in identifications, with a current total of 141,642 identifications, however, she has well over 151,000 identifications for iNaturalist users, me included.
While familiar with the iNaturalist science environment, I am also familiar with several marine related Facebook sites, and sometimes find the discourse on these sites distressing. Recently, on a Southeast Queensland Facebook sea slug site, ongoing harassment and abusive behaviour has caused strong supporters of the site to leave the group and close their own sea slug identification websites. This is unfortunate. Of the many objectives we had in establishing the Australasian Fishes project, one was to create a community which could nurture and support those interested in marine science in general and fish in particular. Knowing how hostile the online community can be, it was important that Australasian Fishes develop into a project which nurtures interest in the marine environment, and is safe for everyone to join and participate in. I have always been gratified by project members who are under 18-years-old and have worked to make the project successful. We want them to enjoy marine science in an online environment focused on learning, without fear of abuse, harassment or trolling issues.
As mentioned, I am very grateful to Hsini for her support and assistance with my non-fish observations and I admire her desire to set up an online resource for the youth of Taiwan, to enjoy the beauty and diversity of their unique marine environment.
This journal post was written by Australasian Fishes member, Harry Rosenthal.
Publicado el 02 de julio de 2024 a las 08:03 AM por markmcg markmcg | 16 comentarios | Deja un comentario

24 de junio de 2024

Randall's Snapper - a new record for the Cocos Keeling Islands

Until recently, Randall's Snapper, Randallichthys filamentosus, was known from scattered localities across the east Indian and central-western Pacific Oceans. In Australia, it's recorded from off Esperance in southern Western Australia, off Scott Reef in northwest Western Australia, and off Lord Howe Island. View distribution on the Australian Faunal Directory species page.
Thanks to the keen efforts of Shakirin Keegan, we can now add the Cocos Keeling Islands to the distribution of this species.
Shakirin, a Fisheries Compliance Officer at the Cocos Marine Care/Shire of the Cocos Keeling Islands, shared the exciting discovery:
"During a recent patrol, I encountered an incoming recreational fishing boat and proceeded with my routine catch inspection. To my surprise, the fisher on board pointed out a species of fish that he had never seen before. Upon closer examination, I immediately measured the fish using my ruler, placed it on a suitable surface, and took a photograph for documentation purposes."
"Intrigued by the unfamiliar species, I conducted a quick search on Google Images and was able to successfully identify the fish and later posted the observation on iNaturalist."
Randall's Snapper can be easily recognized by its distinct shape and coloration. It is rosy red with a yellow tinge, and the outer edges of the spinous dorsal and pelvic fins are black.
This new record is significant for several reasons. It not only expands the known range of Randall's Snapper but also highlights the importance of local fisheries and marine officers in contributing to marine biodiversity records. Such discoveries are crucial for understanding the distribution patterns of marine species and for informing conservation efforts.
A sincere thank you to Shakirin for his dedication and effort in documenting this new record.
Publicado el 24 de junio de 2024 a las 03:26 AM por markmcg markmcg | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

06 de junio de 2024

Terrific photos from the remote Kermadec Islands

The Kermadec Islands lie about 800–1,000 km northeast of New Zealand's North Island and a similar distance southwest of Tonga. These islands, rich in marine biodiversity, have been the focus of a number of scientific expeditions.
Malcolm Francis has a profound connection with the Kermadec Islands, having visited them on five occasions. His extensive fieldwork has resulted in the recent upload of 240 observations of fishes, representing 87 species. He has just written a journal post about his Kermadec trips.
In 2011, I had the privilege of joining Malcolm on an expedition to the Kermadec Islands. This journey, documented by the Australian Museum, was a terrific opportunity to witness firsthand the pristine beauty and ecological richness of this island group.
Beyond his work in the Kermadec Islands, Malcolm has also made significant contributions to the study of White Sharks and has published 5 editions of 'Coastal Fishes of New Zealand'. His expertise in marine biology extends to maintaining the online checklist of fishes from Lord Howe, Norfolk, and the Kermadec Islands.
Thank you Malcolm for your years of ichthyological work and for being a member of the Australasian Fishes community.
Publicado el 06 de junio de 2024 a las 01:48 AM por markmcg markmcg | 4 comentarios | Deja un comentario

01 de junio de 2024

Scientist Member Profile - Dr Elodie Camprasse

In Australia today, there are several marine experiences which are regarded as “must dos” for serious marine enthusiasts. Typical examples include diving at the Great Barrier Reef, swimming with whale sharks in WA, diving with giant cuttlefish in Whyalla, photographing Grey Nurse Sharks in NSW and, of course, joining the Australasian Fishes project. Maybe not so much the last one, however, another of those classic dives includes witnessing the spider crab aggregation in Victoria. These aggregations are drawing more and more divers to the southern parts of the country, as they seek to witness the masses of spider crabs covering the seabed of places like Port Phillip Bay in Victoria. Usually occurring in May and June, masses of spider crabs come to the shallows to congregate and moult their shells. Of course, this attracted the attention of both the professional and citizen scientists, including our 18th top observer in Australasian Fishes, Dr Elodie Camprasse of Deakin University. Here’s more about Elodie and her passion for the Great Southern Reef and the spider crab.
Please tell us a little about yourself and the origins of your interest in nature and fish.
My name is Elodie. I am a marine ecologist with a passion for scuba diving, underwater photography and science communication. I got my passion for the ocean and desire to understand and protect marine life from my teenage years, when I learned scuba diving. Later in life, I learned underwater photography as a way to document the amazing life I was witnessing underwater and to raise awareness for the protection of ocean life.
I came to Australia more than 10 years ago to do my PhD at Deakin University on seabird hunting strategies. I fell in love with Australia's biodiversity above and below the surface. Previously a project manager for nature-connection charity Remember The Wild, I have led projects and initiatives aimed at connecting people with the local environment and increasing appreciation and stewardship for the marine world.
I now lead the implementation of the citizen science program Spider Crab Watch, and provides support to implement traditional research, to gather data on the mysterious great spider crabs and their spectacular gatherings. I am passionate about increasing the public’s awareness of the amazing biodiversity of the Great Southern Reef and filling gaps in knowledge that surrounds many of its inhabitants.
We are very grateful for your support and observations for Australasian Fishes. Could you talk a little about why you were attracted to iNat?
I started using iNaturalist when I realised how little we know about the creatures in my blue backyard - the Great Southern Reef. I was preparing some social media posts for ‘Threatened Species Day' and I wanted to showcase threatened species I would have interacted with on the Great Southern Reef. I could think of a few, of course, but this led me to do some research and I was shocked at the number of species whose conservation status is unknown because no one has assessed them. Even basic information about the life history, distribution, habitat requirements of marine life, and fish in particular, is not available at times, even in some iconic species. So I felt like my images, which I was already taking anyway, could help fill some of these gaps in knowledge. I only found out about projects after using iNaturalist for a little while though. People were commenting on my observations and asking me if I could contribute to their projects. I then started researching relevant projects I could contribute to (e.g. projects in my little patch (Naarm or Port Phillip Bay / Victoria), or projects for taxa I often observe, like fishes). Now, when I go to an area I am unfamiliar with, I always look in that area to see if there are relevant projects I could contribute to, or if I start paying attention to different taxonomic groups, I’ll look for relevant projects, too. I upload images from most of my dives. It takes me a while, but I love it because I feel like I can turn my images into data for various scientists working on different taxa and generate new insights about Australian marine life, their behaviours and distributions. On top of that, I sharpen my ID skills in the process. I am in the process of working with a data scientist to streamline the process and make uploading images faster to try to save some time here. If we get something working well, we’d be keen to release it to people that might find it useful.
You spend a lot of time in the water, both professionally and for fun. Do you recall any underwater incidents which left a lasting impression on you?
I’ll always remember a close encounter I had with a big six-spine leatherjacket at Rapid Bay jetty. It was really inquisitive and I couldn’t work out why it was ‘charging me’ then backing off, and coming at me again, several times. I had mask issues and couldn’t see the screen of my camera, through which I was trying to photograph the action, very well. When I got out of the water, I looked at my lens and couldn’t believe it when I saw dozens of teeth marks on it – not moving away quicker had turned out to be a costly mistake as I tried to fix the scratches to no avail and had to replace the lens. In hindsight, I understood the fish was probably attacking its own reflection!
You are a strong supporter of education in the marine environment. What words would you offer to our project participants, especially the new members just starting out?
I’d say that one of the main advantages of using iNaturalist is that it gives people an opportunity to ID the critters they care about. The AI that provides suggestions when users upload observations onto iNaturalist can be a pretty good place to start – though it will only perform well if there have been enough images of a species so it can recognise it in different conditions. Some places and some taxa will be worse than others, so it’s always best to check and have a look at a few photos of the suggested species/taxa to make sure it looks right. But then, if you get it wrong, other people will pitch in with IDs anyway, so it’s not the end of the world! The more people agree on the ID, the more certainty you’ll have. I am pretty familiar with the marine animals I can come across in my little patch now, but if I go to a new area and want to know what to expect, I’ll do a search on iNaturalist and see what comes up. I might just narrow it down to a specific place on a map, or further, to specific taxa within that place I am going to. I would go back to that list if I am struggling to identify something. Say I’ve seen an unfamiliar fish species at Edithburgh jetty I want to ID; I’d go to the “Explore” section of iNaturalist, draw a rectangle around that area (actually, probably the Fleurieu Peninsula as a whole to be on the safe side), filter by ‘ray-finned fishes’ for example, and go to the list of species. I’ll look at the images of the different species and try to narrow down options. Then I might go into more details and click on the species’ profiles to see what comes up, bearing in mind that with fishes, juveniles can look quite different to adults, males to females, etc. I find that this approach gives me very good results, and then, when people confirm (or not!) that I had the right IDs, I can learn further. I also often go back to my own observations when I feel like I’ve seen a species before, but can’t recall the ID. The beauty of iNaturalist is that you can go through all that effort – if you want! But you don’t have to, as other people are able to pitch in and suggest ideas. I am pretty hopeless at plants or algae, and I currently don’t have the time to go through all my field guides, so for these taxa, I am usually just happy to learn from the IDs other users suggest to me. The last piece of advice I could offer is, if you were sure that you had identified something correctly but other users suggest different IDs, tag them in the comments and ask them to point out the characteristic features that led them to disagree with you. Often times, there are features that will make an ID almost certain (e.g. the number of placement of dorsal fins in fishes), but unless you know what to look for, they won’t necessarily be obvious. If people point these out to you, then your learning becomes faster, and the iNaturalist community is usually very welcoming and open to providing tips to people who are novice naturalists. We all have to start somewhere!
We are very grateful to Dr Camprasse for her 2,517 observations in Australasian Fishes, covering 379 species. For those of you interested in obtaining more detailed information about spider crabs, Dr Camprasse’s paper can be found here. It should be one of the scientific papers you read this year. Australasian Fishes greatly values the support of professional scientists for our project, and more importantly, their support and facilitation of citizen science across the marine science discipline.
This journal post was written by Australasian Fishes member, Harry Rosenthal.
Publicado el 01 de junio de 2024 a las 06:24 AM por markmcg markmcg | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario

23 de mayo de 2024

Blackbarred Reefgoby - a new record for Australia

Kristin Anderson, @kjadiver, took this wonderful photograph of a Blackbarred Reefgoby, Priolepis nocturna, at a depth of about 12m near Exmouth, North West Cape, Western Australia. It's a new record for Australia!
Kristin stated, "I'd seen individuals of this species many times but usually they were very skittish, darting back out of sight immediately, or they were tucked in an awkward to photograph place, so I rarely spent much time trying to photograph them. It's one of my favourite sites, so I was confident I'd get the chance eventually! During this dive, finally, one was looking out from a better ledge and stayed long enough for a couple of snaps."
The identification of the fish was confirmed by Western Australian Museum Fish Curator Dr Glenn Moore, @gmoo, and goby expert Dr Helen Larson. Many thanks to you both.
The species has been recorded from localities throughout the Indo-Pacific. See the distribution map on the Fishbase website.
Prior to Kristen's discovery, 13 species of Priolepis were known From Australian waters (view the Australian Faunal Directory). Currently the Australasian Fishes Project has observations of only 4 of these.
It would be good to improve our coverage of the genus Priolepis. Please check your goby photographs from coastal waters of New South Wales and Lord Howe Island? You may uncover an image of a Blue-head Reefgoby, Priolepis cyanocephala. If you do, please upload it and let me know.
Thank you Kristin for uploading this important observation and for your ongoing support for the Australasian Fishes Project.
Publicado el 23 de mayo de 2024 a las 01:25 AM por markmcg markmcg | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario