Archivos de Diario para febrero 2021

08 de febrero de 2021

Welcome to the 2021 Amphibian Monitoring season!

Hello 2021 Amphibian Monitoring volunteers!

We are so excited to see the first observations coming in for the 2021 season! So far there have been observations of long-toed salamanders, northern red-legged frogs, and Pacific tree frogs!

We have also had some beaver activity at several sites! With this activity we have had some questions about beaver observations and iNaturalist. Our Amphibians of Washington project is tracking if beaver activity is occurring when amphibians are observed. This means we want to know if beaver activity is present when you upload your amphibian observations, but we are not seeking any photos or posts of just beaver activity. However, our friends at Beavers Northwest are! If you wish you beaver photos and observations to aid in local beaver tracking then feel free to visit the Beavers Northwest Beaver Tracking Project on iNaturalist.

Keep up the great work and let us know if you have any questions at!

(Please note: We are no longer accepting new volunteers for the 2021 season. If you or others you know are interested in volunteering, please use the interest form on this page to get on the list for the 2022 season!

WPZ Amphibian Monitoring project coordinators and interns
Katie, Josiah, Alexi and Masha

Publicado el 08 de febrero de 2021 a las 10:59 PM por karorem karorem | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario