Archivos de Diario para abril 2018

20 de abril de 2018

Join us for City Nature Challenge: April 27–30, 2018!

Woodland Park Zoo is thrilled to help mobilize people across the Seattle metropolitan area (all of Snohomish, King and Pierce counties) to join the City Nature Challenge – a friendly nature-observation competition using iNaturalist! Whether your Amphibian Monitoring team is monitoring your site during that time period or you’re using iNaturalist to record your own personal wildlife observations, we hope you’ll join the City Nature Challenge!

You can support this effort by being an observer, helping others identify their observations, or better yet – both!

To be an observer:

  1. If you haven’t already, download the free iNaturalist app to your Android or iPhone (lots of helpful info on the iNaturalist website:
  2. Join the 2018 City Nature Challenge: Seattle Metropolitan Area iNaturalist project:
  3. Take photos of wild plants, animals and fungi in the Seattle metro area
    • Only species in the wild count for this competition! Cultivated plants in a garden or non-native animals at the zoo won’t be counted as observations for City Nature Challenge.

  4. Upload your photos to iNaturalist – from your mobile device or via your computer (photos of amphibians can and should also be uploaded to Amphibians of Washington!)
  5. Learn more as the iNaturalist community helps identify your observations

To help identify observations:

  1. Download the free iNaturalist app to your Android or iPhone
  2. Join the 2018 City Nature Challenge: Seattle Metropolitan Area iNaturalist project:
  3. Identify observations to species level. Try searching iNaturalist for observations without identifications or for observations that still need to get down to species.

Check your local library branch, nature center, park, zoo or aquarium to learn of events you can join during the City Nature Challenge weekend to log observations with others! Here are a few options to get you started:

Woodland Park Zoo
We encourage you to come to Woodland Park Zoo and help us contribute observations of the diverse native animals – such as birds and insects – that frequent our zoo grounds!

Pt. Defiance Park Bioblitz
April 27-28, 2:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Point Defiance Park, Tacoma, WA
All volunteer shifts full!

SHADOW Lake Nature Preserve Bioblitz
April 28, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Explore the Nature Preserve, spot wildlife, and record your sightings at SHADOW’s first Bioblitz.

Seattle Public Libraries
Wallingford Branch
Saturday, April 28, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Woodland Park Zoo staff will be available to show you how to use the app and get you started logging observations of local animals and plants!
More info here:
Green Lake Branch
Saturday, April 28, 11:00 a.m.– 1:00 p.m.
Let’s get wild! Meet at the Green Lake Library to explore and observe wildlife at the park as part of the City Nature Challenge.
More info here!:

Seward Park Bioblitz
Sunday, April 29, 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Info and RSVP:

City Nature Challenge Education Toolkit
Are you a teacher or an educator?
Here’s a toolkit just for you!

Publicado el 20 de abril de 2018 a las 06:45 PM por jennymears jennymears | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario