Halfway Through Biodiversity Month!

It's hard to believe we are half way through September. Spring started early, but the last week has felt like winter again

For those interested, in September so far, there has been over 2,400 observations in Nillumbik and 727 species seen. There have been some amazing new records for Nillumbik and interesting threatened species. Along with a range of weeds.

All this data contributes to our knowledge of our amazing plants and animals, along with those which threaten them

This coming weekend (20-23 Sept) is the Great Southern BioBlitz https://www.greatsouthernbioblitz.org/about-1, so it is a great time to get out and observe our natural world. While competing with cities in the southern Hemisphere on number of observations and species seen.

Hopefully with some warmer weather we will see more insects out and about. It would be awesome to see more bugs and slugs on Nature in Nillumbik.

Also check out some of Nillumbik's other projects, they are a great way to see what occurs in different areas or at different times. Our September Biodiversity Blitz project is here if you want to see what's been observed lately: https://inaturalist.ala.org.au/projects/biodiversity-blitz-2024-nillumbik-shire-council

Happy observing,
Nillumbik enviro team.

Publicado el 16 de septiembre de 2024 a las 06:12 AM por nillumbikshireenvironment nillumbikshireenvironment


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