Diario del proyecto Nature in Nillumbik

01 de septiembre de 2024

2024 Melbourne Biodiversity Blitz Starts Today!

Nillumbik Council is partnering with thirteen Melbourne councils to see who can record the most species in iNaturalist during September (biodiversity month). As someone who is already contributing to citizen science any observations you make in the Nillumbik Council area during September will automatically be added to the bio blitz.

Councils taking part are Baw Baw, Bayside, Cardinia, Casey, Greater Dandenong, Knox, Latrobe, Frankston, Mornington, Kingston, Nillumbik, Maroondah, City of Yarra and Yarra Ranges. You can keep track of who is leading the blitz at the Biodiversity Blitz 2024 Melbourne project page - https://inaturalist.ala.org.au/projects/biodiversity-blitz-2024-melbourne

You can join the Nillumbik project here https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/biodiversity-blitz-2024-nillumbik-shire-council

We encourage you to get out, enjoy nature, record and learn about the species around you and if you like a little healthy competition, please add a few more observations through September.

Warren @wazzza
Nillumbik Council

Publicado el 01 de septiembre de 2024 a las 11:33 AM por wazzza wazzza | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

23 de noviembre de 2023

Great Southern BioBlitz 2023 - get ready to record your observations in Nillumbik

Hi there
As you are likely aware, the Great Southern BioBlitz 2023 is running from tomorrow to Monday. As a top contributor to observations through the inaturalist platform, we wanted to encourage you to participate and contribute however you can over the BioBlitz.

Please join the Nillumbik project here: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/great-southern-bioblitz-2023-nillumbik-shire-council
Or if in the Christmas Hills area here https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/great-southern-bioblitz-2023-christmas-hills-landcare

The 'Great Southern BioBlitz', or 'GSB' for short, is an international period of intense biological surveying in an attempt to record all the living species within several designated areas across the Southern Hemisphere in Spring.

The purpose of this event is to highlight both the immense biodiversity spread across the Southern Hemisphere in the flourishing springtime, as well as to engage the public in science and nature learning using the citizen science platform iNaturalist.

Council encourages the use of the iNaturalist platform, as a way for the community to learn more about the plants, animals, insect and other organisms around them. But also contribute to citizen science, whether its monitoring threatened species or recording the presence of weeds. Your observations contribute valuable scientific data.

Ove the coming weekend, whether you contribute a few records of insects in your backyard or a complete inventory of a reserve. It all contributes and we encourage you to also help try identify the other observations fellow contributors make.

For more on the events in Nillumbik, please look at our webpage or email environment@nillumbik.vic.gov.au




Publicado el 23 de noviembre de 2023 a las 06:25 AM por nillumbikshireenvironment nillumbikshireenvironment | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

27 de octubre de 2022

GSBB 2022 - Nillumbik Shire Council - Starts tomorrow

As you are likely aware, the Great Southern BioBlitz 2022 starts tomorrow. We hope you make many observations in the bush or backyard wherever you are. Hopefully the damp weather won’t keep you inside and you get outside to snap, record and identify as many species as possible!

We encourage you to join the Nillumbik’s group, so you can track what others are seeing around the shire and help identify


Also join Christmas Hills landcare groups project - https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/great-southern-bioblitz-2022-christmas-hills-landcare

We appreciate all your contributions to citizen science. Through this app, observations of new populations of threatened species such as Eltham Copper Butterfly and Wine-lipped Spider-orchid have been made. Council have also tracked new and emerging weeds, enabling control before they spread.

All contributions help to protect and to improve knowledge of biodiversity in Nillumbik.

If you want any help with using the app or additional assistance in identifications – feel free to reach out @nillumbikshireenvironment or environment@nillumbik.vic.gov.au

If you have ever made an observation in iNaturalist within Nillumbik, you have been tagged here:












Publicado el 27 de octubre de 2022 a las 09:52 AM por nillumbikshireenvironment nillumbikshireenvironment | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario

17 de octubre de 2021

Can you help with identifications for Nillumbik in the 2021 Great Southern Bioblitz?

The 2021 Great Southern Bioblitz is almost here and we could use your help!

The Bioblitz runs from Friday 22nd October to Monday 25th October, and then we have approximately two weeks to get as many of the observations identified as possible.

Nillumbik is 'competing' in the 2021 Great Southern Bioblitz against cities, LGAs, and other organisations from across the southern hemisphere.

Track how Nillumbik fares at: https://inaturalist.ala.org.au/projects/great-southern-bioblitz-2021-nillumbik-shire

And within Nillumbik, the Christmas Hills Landcare Group is also participating to see how this small local group can compete against the big boys! Track how the CHLG fares at: https://inaturalist.ala.org.au/projects/great-southern-bioblitz-2021-christmas-hills-landcare

As someone who has played a key role previously in identifying iNaturalist observations within Nillumbik, we would love to have any help you can offer with identifying (and making) observations in these two projects.

Publicado el 17 de octubre de 2021 a las 08:35 AM por douge3775 douge3775 | 3 comentarios | Deja un comentario

11 de octubre de 2021

You can help Nillumbik in the 2021 Great Southern Bioblitz

The 2021 Great Southern Bioblitz is coming and we could use your help!

Friday 22nd October to Monday 25th October

All observation you can make in iNaturalist during these four days within Nillumbik will contribute to Nillumbik's stats against cities, LGAs, and other organisations competing across the southern hemisphere.

Track how Nillumbik fares at: https://inaturalist.ala.org.au/projects/great-southern-bioblitz-2021-nillumbik-shire

And if you make them within the Christmas Hills Landcare Group area, you will also be helping this group compete against the big boys! Track how the CHLG fares at: https://inaturalist.ala.org.au/projects/great-southern-bioblitz-2021-christmas-hills-landcare

If you have ever made an observation in iNaturalist within Nillumbik, you have been tagged here.















Publicado el 11 de octubre de 2021 a las 11:03 AM por douge3775 douge3775 | 2 comentarios | Deja un comentario