In November 2016, John Turnbull photographed a fish that had not previously been recorded from Sydney Harbour. His observation of a Clown Toby, Canthigaster callisterna, in Camp Cove brings the species count for Sydney Harbour to 591.
The Clown Toby is a small pufferfish that occurs from southern Queensland to southern New South Wales as well as Elizabeth Reef and Lord Howe Island.
The richness of Sydney Harbour’s fish fauna can be put into perspective when compared with 540 species recorded from the Mediterranean Sea and 276 from UK coastal waters to a depth of 200 m (more information).
.John, who founded the Marine Explorer website has been a huge contributor to Australasian Fishes, submitting more than 1000 observations (over 300 species). Thank you John!
Cool find.
Well done John! That's very cool.
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