Potentilla Indica vs P hebiichigo

Both plants share these characteristics: Leaves palmately compound, deep green, trifoliate with pinnate and cross-venulate vennation, crenate leaf margins. The plant spreads along creeping stolons. Flowers solitary with 5 yellow petals, narrowly obovate to elliptic. 5 bracts, widened upward with 3(5) teeth, interspersed with 5 shorter sepals. The unsweet aggregate accessory fruits consist of an expanded fleshy receptacle bearing superficial/protruding red achenes and whitish interior flesh. Best distinguished by the fruiting receptacles and achenes. Observation: Paired outer leaflets may become deeply cleft so it appears to have 5 leaflets(in dry conditions?)
Common lookalike: Fragaria has white petals, serrate teeth, recessed achenes & pinnate (not cross-venulate) vennation.
Duchesnea: http://www.efloras.org/florataxon.aspx?flora_id=1&taxon_id=111019
Potentilla indica, formerly known as Duchesnea indica: Worldwide distribution.
Hara & Kurosawa 1959: Achenes smooth or obsoletely elevated-nerved, glossy when fresh. Fruiting receptacles bright red glossy 11-20 mm across, with a red neck. Plants generally larger in all respects. Leaves deeper green, leaflets obovate— rhombic-oblong, up to 4-7 cm long, lateral ones often bifid.
Sojak 2012: narrowly obovate petals, the green, rather thick leaves, the rhombic-oblong and acute central leaflet, the red fruiting receptacle, and the red and almost smooth achene surface.
US P. Indica key: https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/main.php?pg=show-key.php&highlighttaxonid=3150#verttarget
Potentilla hebiichigo, formerly known as Duchesnea chrysantha: Japan, Taiwan, Korea, China, Philippines and Indonesia.
Hara & Kurosawa 1959: Achenes distinctly rugose-tubercled, not shinning. Fruiting receptacles pinkish white not shinning 8-12 mm across, with a whitish neck. Plants smaller. Leaves yellowish green, leaflets rounded-obovate, less than 3 cm long 2.5 cm v wide. presence of accessory buds in axils of leaves
Sojak 2012: pink fruiting receptacle, obcordate petals, yellowish-green leaves, slender, broadly ovate and obtuse middle leaflet, and brownish, rugose or tuberculate achenes
^Faghir et al 2022, doi: 10.22092/ijb.2022.128184
Find :10.1127/1869-6155/2012/0130-0060 Potentilla L. (Rosaceae) and related genera in Asia (excluding the former USSR), Africa and New Guinea - Notes on Potentilla XXVIII for

Potentilla indica in the America: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?ident_taxon_id=243824&place_id=97394,97389&per_page=100
P. hebiichigo in the Americas: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?verifiable=true&ident_taxon_id=460193&place_id=97394,97389
Potentillas of United States: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?per_page=100&place_id=1&taxon_id=53186
Potentilleae of United States: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/identify?per_page=100&place_id=1&hrank=supertribe&lrank=subtribe&taxon_id=885411

Deep Dive in Potentillas in the US:
As of 08/23/24, looked up until July 20th, 2023.
Copy-Pastes: https://www.inaturalist.org/pages/responses#welcome
Potentilla hebiichigo is characterized by matte, rugose-tuberculate achenes and matte, pinkish-white fruiting receptacles. Potentilla indica has glossy, smooth achenes and a red fruiting receptacle.
Hello! This Potentilla shows multi-toothed bractlets so I believe it is P. indica.
http://www.namethatplant.net/plantdetail.shtml?plant=498 is a good visual guide if you wish to know more.
Luckily it is possible to ID this species from the leaf or fruit alone but for many plants that is not possible. For future observations, could you please take more photos? For plant ID, it's good to get a photo of: a wide view of the whole plant & the surrounding environment, a good shot of the leaves, stems, flowers, back of the flower and fruit attached if possible. This would help future IDers help you.

Publicado el 18 de septiembre de 2023 a las 12:19 PM por sarah_oberlin sarah_oberlin


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