Progress so far

This project started on the 1/3/2022, and runs for a year. At first the observations were low in number, primarily due to the paucity of orchids in this area between March and July. The main orchids observed during this period were Disperis macowanii and Holothrix parviflora. Then in August I sent out an important notice to the group, listing all the local orchids that started to flower at that time. The observations increased, as did the competition. In September we had multiple outings, which pulled in an unprecedented amount of species. At that stage I was leading with 52 observations when Justin shot me down with his Kogelberg specials. I have been tailing him until today, when I passed him again by two species. It will not last much longer, but I've had my moment of glory- this time screenshotted for the benefit of posterity. The jostle to reach the top is becoming truly hectic, as Ren is about to hit us with schizodioides and who knows what else. The current stats are as follows:

Ludwig leading at 230
Justin tailing at 147
Ren climbing with 81
Mark and Jeremy content to wait, with 17 and 3 respectively.

Again, Ludwig leading with 64
Justin close behind with 62
Ren keeping up the pressure with 41
Mark and Jeremy tailing with 11 and 3 respectively.

The odds are as follows:
Justin the clear favourite to win, holding back much of his obs for the moment but building a formidable list.
Ren, as predicted, a dangerous wild card who already has a scary list. Will most likely come in 2nd place or even 1st if he can wangle it.
Jeremy- performance this year is not quite like his usual self, but I hear rumours of an impending trip to the Garden Route...
Ludwig- despite his magnificent, if desperate, performance thus far, he remains the 4th in line to win. He might trump Jeremy and even pull off a victory on observations, but Ren and Justin will in all likelihood remain ahead.
Mark is too busy at the moment to attend much to orchids. He has a valid excuse.

Rare and special orchids seen by us this year, in numerical order:
Bartholina etheliae (8 obs)
Satyrium princeps (6)
Satyrium pallens (5)
Disa racemosa 4
Disa atrorubens 4
Disa pygmaea 4
Satyrium eurycalcaratum 4
Disa uncinata 3
Disa cernua 3
Satyrium lupulinum 3
Brownleea recurvata 2
Disa arida 2
Satyrium carneum x coriifolium 2
Disa spathulata 1
Angraecum conchiferum 1
Satyrium rupestre 1
Ceratandra globosa x grandiflora 1

Others not posted:
Disa procera 2
Disa hallackii 2
Acrolophia lunata 2

Well done guys! Keep it up, and may the best man win!

Good luck,
Ludwig 'Intshe'

Publicado el 14 de noviembre de 2022 a las 01:00 PM por ludwig_muller ludwig_muller


Record for most orchids seen in a day: was 27 in January but now stands at 39 as of last week. Record holders in both cases Justin and myself.

As far as the rares go, lunata, procera and hallackii score the most points. Both Justin and I have them ticked. But in addition Justin saw atrorubens etc in Paarl, and so he is leading the rares competition.

Anotado por ludwig_muller hace más de un año

Having a blast being part! At the moment, I have three species that i wont upload (Lunata, Muticum, and Procera)

Ren has also seen most of the specials from Bettys Bay, and I dont think itll take too much work to stream past us. Looking forward to seeing what else gets seen!

Anotado por justinponder2505 hace más de un año

We have thus far jointly observed 87 species, which is not bad at all.
Leading the list is Disa bracteata with 33 obs, followed by Holothrix villosa (33), Bonatea speciosa (20) and Satyrium acuminatum (20).
Our joint observations add up to 478, and we have 40 identifiers. The most helpful IDer was @malthinus with 338 IDs, followed by yours truly with exactly 100 less than @malthinus (238). @corriedt, a relative recent addition to the list of orchid IDers in the Western Cape, was third with 98 IDs.

Anotado por ludwig_muller hace más de un año

Just a quick heads up- I have noticed irresponsible posting of unobscured orchids. Please, guys, we have a responsibility to protect the plants we see and post, or at least respect them. How did I handle the massive load of obs from the last outing? I witheld most of the non-orchids and then obscured every single orchid or gave it a false location. Please let's be worthy custodians of our local flora.
CREW has also used mass obscuration in the past- can anyone track down Acrolophia ustulata for me? No, because CREW obscured everything.

Anotado por ludwig_muller hace más de un año

Please don't ever give a false location - obscure if absolutely necessary.

Anotado por jeremygilmore hace más de un año

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