National Science Week Online Talks 14-20 August 2021

An amazing and awesome science program - webinars ranging from
*An extensive symposium on ocean warming and its effects on our coastal ecosystems, 10 years of research in SE NSW seas, Nemo and the Dragon, Sea slugs, Future proofing our kelp forests
to sessions on
*Glossy Black and Gang-gang cockatoo research
*Bee Hotels to boost bees post bushfires
*Science of Nest Boxes
*Echidnas and citizen science project on Kangaroo Island
*Long-term Forest Monitoring and Improvement Program
*More about iNaturalist and celebrate 10 years of Atlas of Life
Go to link for details of presenters, time and date of each event, and links to book for each session.
Attendance via Zoom
Organised by Coastal Wilderness and Budawang Coast Atlas of Life projects

Publicado el 06 de agosto de 2021 a las 11:16 AM por barv barv


Loved the webinar on glossy blacks. i love watching them where I love at LOng Beach, on the headlands passing through. They're also at the Eurobdalla Regional Botanic Gardens. I'll start looking for nesting hollows now that I know September is an active season!

Anotado por annajarrett hace casi 3 años

14 Aug Ocean Symposium can be found here

Anotado por barv hace casi 3 años

Bee Hotel session 16 August link

Anotado por barv hace casi 3 años

10 years of Atlas of Life and iNat training 16 August

Anotado por barv hace casi 3 años

Glossies and Gang-Gangs 17 August

Anotado por barv hace casi 3 años

Link for Hungry Parrots project

Anotado por barv hace casi 3 años

Science of Nestboxes 18 August

Anotado por barv hace casi 3 años

Forest Monitoring 19 August

Anotado por barv hace casi 3 años

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