North Longview - Business Park - July 21

I went to check Odes at the LVBP pond and pond outlet stream. There were many Skimmers like yesterday on the south side of town. However, this time it seems the Yellow-sided Skimmers really were Yellow-sided, not immature Great Blues as yesterday. The disappointment was almost no Damselflies out.

13 Species

Fragile Forktails - a few
Citrine Forktail - 1
Ebony Jewelwing - 6 - at the lower road crossing, despite being there at high noon.

Eastern Pondhawk - ~10
Blue Dasher - ~5
Eastern Amberwings - 3
Slaty Skimmer - lots
Spangled Skimmer - 5
Great Blue Skimmer - 1
Neon Skimmer - 4
Widow Skimmer - lots
White-tailed Skimmer - lots
Banded Pennant - 2

Publicado el 21 de julio de 2014 a las 08:53 PM por lg_price lg_price


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