Cemetery Pond - Pond String - July 20

CORRECTION - no Yellow-sided Skimmers - were immature Great Blue Skimmers.

I visited the small pond #1 ( the springs), the seepage near it, and the east side of Cemetery Lake (pond) today to see what was around after the recent rains.

I found Yellow-sided Skimmers ( at least 2) at the Seepage area which is a new Gregg County record.

Species List (18)

Great Blue Skimmer several
Slaty Skimmer
Widow Skimmer
White-tailed Skimmer
Eastern Amberwings
Eastern Pondhawk
Blue Dasher
Red Saddlebags
Swift Spreadwing (3)
Banded Pennant (numerous)
Halloween Pennant
Variable Dancer ( many)

Southern Spreadwing (5)
Rambur's Forktail
Fragile Forktail
Citrine Forktail
Double-striped Bluet ( most numerous)
Burgundy Bluet (10)

Publicado el 20 de julio de 2014 a las 10:16 PM por lg_price lg_price


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