Australasian Fishes findings: April - May 2019

Australasian Fishes is powering along with about 80 observations being added daily over April and May. Belatedly (yeah my bad 🙂), are some of the interesting observations that were uploaded during these months.

A selection of the recent discoveries:

Total observation summary:
Subject Number of observations
Range extension / first record 134
Diet / feeding 29
Parasite / fungus 26
New species / newly described     11
Colour pattern 27
Damage / injuries 24
Courtship / reproduction 30
Behavioural information 16
Publicado el 26 de junio de 2019 a las 03:43 AM por markmcg markmcg


Thanks for the summary Mark, the instance of diseases is very interesting.

Anotado por harryrosenthal hace cerca de 5 años

It would be interesting to see if it occurred at certain times or places. Need more observations for that.

Anotado por markmcg hace cerca de 5 años

Hi Mark, could you please correct your records to read danimations/Neal Palmer as the recorders of the False kelpfish? Thanks. Jenni previously contributed in a similar way with an Anguilla australis sighting (the eel being tossed by a bottlenose dolphin) but wasn't involved with the False kelpfish episode.

Anotado por danimations hace cerca de 5 años

@danimations Oops. My apologies. Records updated. I can't change the above image but the master file now records Neal Palmer's name.

Anotado por markmcg hace cerca de 5 años

Thanks Mark :)

Anotado por danimations hace cerca de 5 años

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