Archivos de Diario para julio 2023

09 de julio de 2023

Othonna gymnodiscus

See in-depth discussion on differences with O.undulosa:-
inat observation petrabroddle in Milnerton SW July 2022

Othonna gymnodiscus
Tuberous, erect or sprawling, succulent perennial to 35 cm. Leaves oblanceolate to elliptic, leathery, tapering below and weakly clasping. Flower heads disciform, solitary, terminal or axillary, yellow; disc florets ± without pappus, pappus of marginal florets much elongated in fruit. July–Aug.
Sandy slopes and flats, NW, SW, KM, LB, SE (Cedarberg to Worcester, Little Karoo to Port Elizabeth).•

Othonna undulosa
undulosa (DC.) J.C.Manning & Goldblatt (= Othonna filicaulis auct., sensu Cape plants 2000) bobbejaankoolklimop Straggling, tuberous, succulent perennial to 70 cm, stems from a woolly crown. Leaves lanceolate to rotund, clasping and cordate at base, glaucous. Flower heads disciform, solitary, terminal or axillary, white or yellow, involucral bracts 10–12 mm long; pappus of marginal florets much elongated in fruit, 10–12 mm long. May–Aug. Sandy flats and slopes, often coastal, NW, SW, KM, LB, SE (S Namibia to Uniondale). gce

Publicado el 09 de julio de 2023 a las 06:34 AM por evieb evieb | 2 observaciones | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

16 de julio de 2023

Lobelia laxa

Lobelia laxa

It seems a few of the lobelia erinus in the Camferkloof area are actually the closely related Lobelia laxa. Not generally known in the Western Cape.

Lobelia laxa : Known in KZN, EC , LS and Free State.

Info below recieved 14 july 2023 on one of my observations from rion-c.
Lobelia laxa
a member of Subfamily Lobelioideae Lobelia Subfamily
"I have yet to find a good description for this species. If there is a complete book of KZN or EC plants, it should hopefully be in there.

So far, I have found that Lobelia laxa is a perennial herb up to 40 cm in height, typically found at higher altitudes (1200 - 1800 m) and distributed across LES, EC, FS and KZN (according to africanplantdatabase). There are at least two records in BODATSA from the mountains north of Sedgefield which led me to believe it may occur in WC too.

My identifications have been made by comparing the observations with type specimens and other collections. The following description is not official but rather what I deduce from the specimens. L. laxa appears to be taller than L. erinus with very obvious rosettes (similar to Wimmerella arabidea). It has blue flowers with longer, more slender sepals than L. erinus that are almost reminiscent of Delostemon flowers. The patterning on the flower is white (maybe also yellow) in the throat and dark blue lines extending along the sepals. The lower leaves are crenate and obovate, and form a rosette with leaves higher up the stem becoming more slender and lanceolate. The leafless part of the stem is longer than in L. erinus.

L. laxa is also a close relative of L. erinus and L. fervens (Kagame, 2021).

I'm not certain about my identification on this observation and a few others. The height, multiple spindly stems and flower shape seem to fit L. laxa better than L. erinus though."

"These links below contain most of the information I could find on this species: (occurrences) (systematics) (more specimens and locations) (specimens) (overview of literature but includes text on Lobelia laxiflora, a different species) (very basic description)"

Other observations evieb :-

Publicado el 16 de julio de 2023 a las 09:13 AM por evieb evieb | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario