Archivos de Diario para octubre 2021

01 de octubre de 2021

Agathosma willowy at Doringrivier

email comment From Dave Underwood
"I think Mr Bean found your Agathosma in 1957 - north side of Outeniqua - near Moeras Rivier.
See diagram below. Check those super hairy refolded twisted leaves.
Unfortunately no drawing of flowers to see those characteristic long floppy peduncles.
So I’m guessing this was never described. As far as I know - no one has added officially to Aggies since Neville ‘NP’ Pillans. "

Sent to Dave Sept 2021:-
Re Agathosma – I have 2 samples collected by HAT Tony.

Seen a similar one in Doringrivier WEST( access via Zebra farms).
Doringrivier West – in valley – about 1 hour plus on an old track from where we leave cars. Tony can access via a farm/ needs permission! He has offered to take Outramps up there – so far no date set.

Second one seen “OUD peak 39” – this one access not too difficult. Apparently up a ridgeline from the normal Doringrivier jeep track. Roughly soon after the pool, walking west. The ridgeline- very bushy, rocky – however doable! – about 1 hour up, maybe less. Tony says there were quite a few plants in both locations.

Publicado el 01 de octubre de 2021 a las 11:49 AM por evieb evieb | 1 observación | 1 comentario | Deja un comentario