Archivos de Diario para mayo 2022

05 de mayo de 2022

Yellow Butterfly

A month ago I uploaded a picture of a yellow butterfly.

This butterfly has been sitting in the same tree, mostly on the same leaf, not moving for a month now and I cannot find any information as to why. I have accidentally scared it a few times when walking too close or trying to take a photo and it will fly to another part of the tree. At first I thought perhaps it knew there was some rain coming and wanting to take shelter but even when the rain passed, it stayed in the tree. It looks completely fine and it can fly. As far as I have seen it has not laid any eggs or anything so I am really confused as to why it will not leave this tree and fly away.

A friend suggested I try to give it some sugar water but I am not sure how I will manage that when it flies away to a different spot when I get near it.

I will go outside today to see if it is still there again. I have just never seen a butterfly not move for a month or so before and do not know why it is doing it.

Publicado el 05 de mayo de 2022 a las 11:45 PM por cordialdreams cordialdreams | 1 observación | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

08 de mayo de 2022

Australian Cockroach

Last night I found a cockroach upside down in the bedroom, It was clearly dying, I assume my cat got it and then left it there.
It was still moving its head and legs so I put it in a box and took it outside. It had a wound in its back because it was leaking and unable to flip itself over.
Less than a minute after I put the box down and took few steps away from it some cockroaches (same breed) came running to it and got up onto the place where I put it and tried to pull the cockroach out of box but failing because it was wet from the wound. I saw them keep coming over to it and sitting on top of it or putting their head near its head for a while before running off and then coming back again.
At first I thought they wanted to eat it but they didn't. It was almost as if the injured roach had been communicating and the roaches outside heard it and tried to come to the rescue but ultimately couldn't do anything to help.
I have never seen roaches do this before so it was kind of exciting to see.
I just read that they can communicate with each other long distance, so I am wondering if the injured roach had been communicating with them the whole time from inside the house to when I put it outside because of how fast they came running.
Unfortunately they did end up abandoning the roach as it was still there this morning where I left it, it was still twitching a bit but pretty sure its life was coming to an end so I put it in a flower pot in the garden.

I know I could have tipped it out of the box last night if that made it easier for them to take him away but I am quite phobic of large roaches and flying insects so I was too afraid to do anything when all the roaches came running out to see it.

Publicado el 08 de mayo de 2022 a las 01:39 AM por cordialdreams cordialdreams | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
