Yellow Butterfly

A month ago I uploaded a picture of a yellow butterfly.

This butterfly has been sitting in the same tree, mostly on the same leaf, not moving for a month now and I cannot find any information as to why. I have accidentally scared it a few times when walking too close or trying to take a photo and it will fly to another part of the tree. At first I thought perhaps it knew there was some rain coming and wanting to take shelter but even when the rain passed, it stayed in the tree. It looks completely fine and it can fly. As far as I have seen it has not laid any eggs or anything so I am really confused as to why it will not leave this tree and fly away.

A friend suggested I try to give it some sugar water but I am not sure how I will manage that when it flies away to a different spot when I get near it.

I will go outside today to see if it is still there again. I have just never seen a butterfly not move for a month or so before and do not know why it is doing it.

Publicado el 05 de mayo de 2022 a las 11:45 PM por cordialdreams cordialdreams


Fotos / Sonidos


Abril 8, 2022 a las 03:12 PM AEST


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