Archivos de Diario para septiembre 2024

08 de septiembre de 2024

Bat monitoring - 2024

Summary of emergence surveys (sunset - 30 minutes to sunset + 180 minutes) carried out at a fixed location survey point using Echo Meter Touch and manually analysing all calls:

Dates recorded:
Barbastelle Bat 16/04 - 03/10
Brandt’s Bat 17/04 - 07/08
Brown Long-eared Bat 04/02 - 03/10
Common Pipistrelle 04/01 - 03/10
Daubenton's Bat 16/04 - 14/09
Greater Horseshoe Bat 14/05 - 03/10
Grey Long-eared Bat 26/03 - 14/07
Leisler’s Bat 20/03 - 03/10
Lesser Horseshoe Bat 04/01 - 03/10
Myotis sp. 16/03 - 03/10
Nathusius's Pipistrelle 16/04 - 07/08
Natterer's Bat 09/02 - 03/10
Noctule Bat 09/02 - 03/10
Serotine 15/03 - 03/10
Soprano Pipistrelle 04/01 - 03/10
Whiskered Bat 01/04 - 19/09

Total number of recordings:
Soprano Pipistrelle 14365 (75%)
Noctule Bat 2304 (12%)
Common Pipistrelle 1565 (8%)
Serotine Bat 429 (2%)
Lesser Horseshoe Bat 134
Leisler’s Bat 127
"Myotis species" 96
Brown Long-eared Bat 65
Natterer's Bat 44
Nathusius's Pipistrelle 20
Barbastelle Bat 17
Daubenton's Bat 15
Greater Horseshoe Bat 8
Brandt’s Bat 6
Grey Long-eared Bat 5
Whiskered Bat 2
Total of 19202 passes in 104 surveys with the last survey on 03/10/24

Notes on each species:

Barbastelle Bat:
Occasionally recorded.

Brown Long-eared Bat:
Recorded between mid February and mid October in low numbers.

Common Pipistrelle:
10% of the Pipistrelles in my roost are this species; active all year with a peak in October.

Daubenton's Bat:
Feed over water courses; occasionally recorded between mid February to mid November.

Greater Horseshoe Bat:
Occasionally recorded each year between mid March and late September.

Grey Long-eared Bat:
Recorded mid February to early October in very low numbers; DNA analysis needed for confirmation.

Leisler’s Bat:
Recorded from mid February to mid October.

Lesser Horseshoe Bat:
Recorded year round in small numbers.

Nathusius's Pipistrelle:
Migratory species recorded between early March and late July although in milder years this can be up to early December.

Natterer's Bat:
Recorded year round; most active between late January and mid April.

Noctule Bat:
Active late March to mid September. Very high numbers recorded between late March and late May.

Active between mid March and mid August; peak numbers always seen in early July to mid August.

Soprano Pipistrelle:
Maturnity roost site; active year round and when pups are being reared can be seen during the day between May and July.

Whiskered Bat:
The most common Myotis species locally; recorded late March to late October.

Publicado el 08 de septiembre de 2024 a las 01:21 PM por balders balders | 12 observaciones

Butterfly transect summary - 2024

Species diversity and numbers are significantly down (75%) on previous years; many species have not been seen this year.

Brimstone - 18/03/24 - 28/09/24
Brown Argus - Not seen in 2024
Brown Hairstreak - Not seen in 2024
Clouded Yellow - Not seen in 2024
Comma - 18/03/24 - 28/09/24
Common Blue - 10/06/24
Dark Green Fritillary - Not seen in 2024
Dingy Skipper - Not seen in 2024
Gatekeeper - 07/07/24 - 30/08/24
Green Hairstreak - Not seen in 2024
Green-veined White - 01/05/24 - 13/09/24
Holly Blue - 21/04/24 - 13/09/24
Large Skipper - 31/05/24 - 27/07/24
Large White - 01/05/24 - 03/10/24
Marbled White - Not seen in 2024
Meadow Brown - 31/05/24 - 04/10/24
Monarch - Rare migrant recorded once on 02/10/19
Orange-Tip - 05/04/24 - 17/05/24
Painted Lady - 12/05/24 - 03/10/24
Peacock - 26/02/24 - 14/09/24
Pearl-bordered Fritillary - Not seen in 2024
Purple Hairstreak - Not seen in 2024
Red Admiral - 12/04/24 - 04/10/24
Ringlet - 19/06/16 - 31/07/24
Silver-washed Fritillary - 28/07/24 - 02/09/24
Small Copper - 21/07/24 - 03/10/24
Small Heath - Not seen in 2024
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary - Not seen in 2024
Small Skipper - Not seen in 2024
Small Tortoiseshell - 31/08/24 - 04/10/24
Small White - 05/04/24 - 19/09/24
Speckled Wood - 01/04/24 - 03/10/24
Wall Brown - Not seen in 2024

33 species have been recorded on site since January 2013; but only 19 in 2024.

Publicado el 08 de septiembre de 2024 a las 03:14 PM por balders balders | 17 observaciones

Species recorded this week:

Dates: 30th September - 6th October

Weather conditions:
Mild (17 - 8 degrees), moderate winds (max. 42mph), dry all week except Saturday.

Common Toad

Bats (emergence surveys):
Barbastelle Bat
Brown Long-eared Bat
Common Pipistrelle
Greater Horseshoe Bat
Lesser Horseshoe Bat
Myotis sp
Natterer's Bat
Noctule Bat
Soprano Pipistrelle
Next survey - 05/10

Devil's Coach Horse

Tawny Owl

Butterflies (On transects):
Large White
Meadow Brown
Painted Lady
Red Admiral
Small Copper
Small Tortoiseshell
Speckled Wood

Common Darter
Southern Hawker

Flowering plants:
Common Dandelion
Common Fleabane
Common Knapweed
Common Ivy
Devil's-bit Scabious
Large Bindweed
Marsh Marigold
Red Campion
Upright Hedge-Parsley
Viper's bugloss
Water Mint

Shaggy Inkcap

Hymenopteran (Bees, wasps & Ants):

Common Shrew
Grey Squirrel

Common Marbled Carpet
Garden Carpet
Silver Y
Next survey - tbc

Barred Grass Snake

True bugs:
Common Green Shieldbug

Publicado el 08 de septiembre de 2024 a las 03:17 PM por balders balders | 18 observaciones