Archivos de Diario para enero 2024

03 de enero de 2024

New species recorded in 2024

Smooth Newt - 14/02/24

Lesser Whitethroat - 16/04/24
Oystercatcher - 07/02/24

Abax parallelepipedus - 08/05/24
Brown Leaf Beetle (Chrysolina staphylaea) - 09/04/24
Common Brown Click Beetle (Athous haemorrhoidalis) - 18/06/24
Common Dumble Dor - 26/07/24
Great Blackclock (Pterostichus niger) - 19/02/24
Lathronympha strigana - 08/05/24
Malthinus seriepunctatus - 29/06/24
Phyllobius glaucus - 05/05/24
Shore Sexton Beetle (Necrodes littoralis) - 03/06/24

Caddis flies:
Limnephilus marmoratus - 23/06/24
Limnephilus sparsus - 31/03/24
Sericostoma personatum - 19/07/24

Broad Buckler-Fern - 07/04/24
Common Polypody - 05/05/24
Intermediate Polypody - 09/02/24
Lady Fern - 07/04/24

Coral Spot (Nectria cinnabarina) - 22/01/24
Cushion Bracket (Phellinus pomaceus) - 17/02/24
Scurfy Twiglet (Tubaria furfuracea) - 06/03/24
White Brain (Exidia thuretiana) - 06/01/24

Hymenopteran (Bees, Wasps & Ants):
Amblyjoppa proteus - 28/07/24
Ashy Mining Bee (Andrena cineraria) - 14/04/24
Banded Dark Bee (Stelis punctulatissima) - 16/06/24
Chocolate Mining Bee (Andrena scotica) - 05/05/24
Common Furrow Bee - 04/07/24
Cliff Mining Bee (Andrena thoracica) - 31/03/24
Enicospilus undulatus - 12/07/24
Grey-patched Mining Bee (Andrena nitida) - 06/05/24
Marsham's Nomad Bee (Nomada marshamella) - 14/04/24
Orange-legged Furrow Bee (Halictus rubicundus) - 05/04/24
Red Mason Bee (Osmia bicornis) - 06/05/24
Variable Tenthredo (Tenthredo livida) - 11/05/24
Yellow-legged Mining Bee - 01/04/24

Micromus variegatus - 07/09/24
Nineta flava - 03/07/24

Cartilage Lichen - 07/02/24
Common Powderhorn - 05/02/24
Golden Shield Lichen - 09/02/24

Great Scented Liverwort - 05/02/24
Snakewort (Conocephalum salebrosum) - 31/01/24

Brown Hare - 06/04/24

Green Cellar Slug (Limacus maculatus) - 29/05/24

Common Smoothcap - 04/05/24
Fox-tail Feather-Moss - 05/02/24

Striped Millipede (Ommatoiulus sabulosus) - 13/04/24

Barred Yellow - 30/06/24
Belted Grass-Veneer (Euchromius ocellea) - 28/01/24
Caloptilia stigmatella - 29/06/24
Chevron - 31/07/24
Clifden Nonpareil - 05/09/24
Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella) - 09/08/24
Cydia ulicetana - 11/05/24
Earias clorana - 26/06/24
Elachista atricomella - 29/05/24
Homoeosoma sinuella - 02/07/24
Incurvaria oehlmanniella - 01/06/24
July Belle - 30/07/24
Lesser Wax Moth - 31/07/24
Lobesia reliquana - 11/05/24
Myelois circumvoluta - 03/06/24
Netted Pug - 07/05/24
Pammene regiana - 16/07/24
Phycita roborella - 04/08/24
Phyllonorycter coryli - 23/09/24
Scoparia subfusca - 27/07/24
Scrobipalpa costella - 11/05/24
Seraphim - 07/05/24
Small Dotted Buff - 31/07/24
Small White Wave - 01/05/24
Stigmella aurella - 11/03/24
White-marked - 17/03/24
Yponomeuta padella agg. - 01/09/24
Zelleria hepariella - 24/09/24

Atlantic Ivy - 07/02/24
Broad-leaved Willowherb - 16/06/24
Cock's-Foot -11/06/24
Common Cat's-Ear - 01/06/24
Common Dogwood - 17/06/24
Common Figwort - 11/06/24
Common Groundsel - 01/04/24
Common Mallow - 03/07/24
Compact Rush - 17/06/24
Early Dog-Violet - 03/03/24
European Aspen - 11/06/24
European Water-Plantain - 28/07/24
Hairy Hawkbit - 16/06/24
Lance-leaved Water-Plantain -12/06/24
Land Cress - 01/04/24
Large Bindweed - 04/07/24
Many-seeded Goosefoot - 27/07/24
Marsh Marigold - 13/09/24
Nipplewort - 16/06/24
Lesser Periwinkle - 31/01/24
Red Goosefoot - 21/07/24
Remote Sedge - 02/06/24
Rusty WIllow - 15/09/24
Sweet Vernal - 03/07/24
Upright Hedge-Parsley - 04/08/24
Wavy Bittercress - 01/05/24
Wild Plum - 23/09/24
Wood Dock - 03/07/24
Wood Forget-Me-Not - 01/04/24
Wood Speedwell - 04/05/24

Meadow Wolf Spider (Pardosa prativaga) - 15/05/24
Rustic Wolf Spider (Trochosa ruricola) - 12/04/24

True bugs:
Common Green Capsid (Lygocoris pabulinus) - 06/08/24

True flies:
Batman Hoverfly (Myathropa florea) - 10/06/24
Blotch-winged Hoverfly (Leucozona lucorum) - 01/06/24
Black-horned Smoothtail (Epistrophe grossulariae) - 27/06/24
Golden-tailed Leafwalker (Xylota sylvarum) - 01/06/24
Migrant Hover Fly (Eupeodes corollae) - 09/09/24
Narcissus Bulb Fly (Merodon equestris) - 13/05/24
Notch-horned Cleg (Haematopota pluvialis) - 04/07/24
Sixspot Cranefly - 20/03/24
Tipula fulvipennis - 03/09/24

The number of verified species recorded at this site is 1080 with 117 new species added in 2024.
For a full species list see;

Publicado el 03 de enero de 2024 a las 05:53 PM por balders balders | 111 observaciones