Taxonomic Swap 41860 (Guardado el 02/11/2018)

Anagallis arvensis has been moved to the Taxon ‘Lysimachia arvensis’ to conform with Plants Of The World Online;
This has been discussed for a number of weeks without any objection to the move.

Plants of the World Online (Referencia)
Añadido por w_martin en 02 de noviembre de 2018 a las 09:41 PM | Resuelto por w_martin en 02 de noviembre de 2018
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This taxonomic swap shouldn't change the common names anywhere. Can we get the regional common names for Lysimachia arvensis harmonized with what they were for Anagallis arvensis?

Anotado por chris_nelson hace casi 6 años

All the common names are present. iNat is still in the process of the Taxon Swap maybe check back when it’s finished the task.

Anotado por w_martin hace casi 6 años

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