Taxonomic Swap 31113 (Guardado el 26/03/2019)

Phylogenetic classification of Trametes (Basidiomycota, Polyporales) based on a five-marker dataset. TAXON 60 (6) • December 2011: 1567–1583

Añadido por cooperj en 14 de marzo de 2018 a las 12:01 AM | Resuelto por cosmiccat en 26 de marzo de 2019
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and doi: 10.5248/116.265

Anotado por cooperj hace mas de 6 años

Didn’t that paper also find that Pycnoprus and a few other genera and species were nestled within Trametes? I know someone already switched Lenzites betulina.

Anotado por dziomber hace mas de 5 años

This change was in specific response to a direct request/flag, and even then I generally only do them when they affect the taxa on my home turf - NZ - or they are just innocuous 'book keeping' changes. Not really my call to decide on correct names elsewhere.

Polypores aren't my thing, but I would say this about the paper ... The inclusive classification in that paper combines a number of genera into a broad Trametes. That is just one way of looking at the data. The clades within it are reasonably well supported and could be accepted as separate genera (as the authors themselves state), and do fit historic use - mostly. In that view Pycnoporus would be accepted, as would Lenzites and so on. There would be a few misplaced species but that is all. Either view is objectively 'correct' on the evidence of the phylogenetic data. The lumping or splitting is then determined by the rather subjective notion of generic boundaries. The authors chose a broad view because they believe some of the segregate genera would be difficult to separate on morphology. For NZ taxa at least I would disagree.

Anotado por cooperj hace mas de 5 años

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