Taxonomic Swap 82890 (Guardado el 21/09/2020)

Sorry, but I have to put this taxon back into the genus Racomitrium, because the other species are still listed under Racomitrium.

Hodgetts et al. 2020: The treatment of Racomitrium follows Larraín et al. (2013), who used molecular evidence for a broad treatment of the genus. Sawicki et al. (2015) used mitochondrial DNA to support narrower genera. However, they used only ten species of Racomitrium (two from each segregate genus), and the results did not contradict the previous treatment. Indeed, significant problems remain (e.g. Bucklandiella sensu Ochyra is not monophyletic) and until Racomitrium is more completely treated, we prefer to retain Racomitrium in a broad sense.

I will follow this way and unite everything under Racomitrium.

An annotated checklist of bryophytes ... (Referencia)
Añadido por tayloria en 21 de septiembre de 2020 a las 05:42 PM | Resuelto por tayloria en 21 de septiembre de 2020
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