Taxonomic Swap 38225 (Guardado el 24/08/2018)

Añadido por claudioflamigni en 24 de agosto de 2018 a las 05:35 PM | Resuelto por claudioflamigni en 24 de agosto de 2018
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Hi @claudioflamigni, iNaturalist has actually switched to using Plants of the World Online as a global authority for vascular plants. There are cases we can explicitly deviate from POWO, but there is a protocol for doing so. You can read more about it here:

Plants of the World Online currently accepts Cicerbita alpina:

Lactuca alpina is not listed in POWO:

Anotado por bouteloua hace casi 6 años

Hi @bouteloua

before my taxon swap on inat there were both Cicerbita alpina and Lactuca alpina.

In the case you can create a new taxon (Cicerbita alpina) and commit the inverse taxon swap.


Anotado por claudioflamigni hace casi 6 años

Hi @claudioflamigni @bouteloua, species in this group are now listed under Cicerbita and Lactuca. Following iNat's policy to adopt POWO's taxonom, I'll swap those currently listed under Lactuca with Cicerbita despite accepting the former combination.

Anotado por jakob hace mas de 4 años

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