Taxonomic Swap 30476 (Guardado el 03/02/2018)

also Wagenitz & Kandemir 2008: : "Recently the tribal name Cynareae has been accepted by some authors instead of Cardueae Cass. 1819, e.g., in Fl.N. Amer. 19: 82. 2006. Cynareae is ascribed to Lam. & DC., Syn. Pl. Fl. Gall.: 267. 1806, where, however, the name Cynarocephalae is published. Contrary to the opinion of Jeffrey (see footnote in Kadereit & Jeffrey, Fam. Gen. Vasc. Pl. 8: 123. 2007) Art. 19.6 of the Code does not apply here: -cephalae (meaning “with the heads of”) is not a termination such as -oideae, -inae, -ales but a descriptive word, which cannot be corrected to Cynareae."

Añadido por bouteloua en 04 de febrero de 2018 a las 12:37 AM | Resuelto por bouteloua en 03 de febrero de 2018
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Like church Latin, biological Latin (or Greek) has to follow strict rules, simply because nobody speaks it anymore! The plants/animals won't care, whatever you decide.

Anotado por rushecology hace mas de 6 años

:) Trying to get things in order over at the Asteraceae. A lot of genera are categorized directly under Asteraceae while others are categorized into their subfamilies/tribes/subtribes.
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but how nice is it when observations can get IDed to subtribe rather than family!

Anotado por bouteloua hace mas de 6 años

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