Taxonomic Swap 13601 (Guardado el 26/12/2015)

HEADS UP: this swap has been partially reverted to try and stay aligned with Pelham (see comments below). It can't be fully reverted because it subsumed a superfamily into a family, and we can't really separate out records that *were* associated with the superfamily post-swap. So, please leave Hesperoidea in its active state, even though this swap was committed.

Also, please, PLEASE check before committing massive changes like this, or at least call in some other curators to get a couple more opinions.

Several additional recent papers have supported Hesperiidae being embedded within Papilionoidea (thus rendering Hesperioidea obsolete), including:

This taxonomy has been adopted by BugGuide but not yet Pelham's US/Canada butterfly catalogue (I emailed about it but have not heard back yet).

Order Lepidoptera Linnaeus, 1758. In:... (Referencia)
Añadido por nlblock en 24 de diciembre de 2015 a las 11:04 PM | Resuelto por nlblock en 26 de diciembre de 2015
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interesting - @kueda did you know about this?

Anotado por loarie hace mas de 8 años

Ugh, I didn't know, but this violates our policy of following Pelham. @nlblock, please read and abide by the policies. If you cannot, we will revoke your curator privileges.

Anotado por kueda hace mas de 8 años

I sincerely apologize! This followed someone else moving Hesperiidae into Papilionoidea, leaving Hesperioidea stranded with nothing underneath it. I thought it made sense to make this swap because of that. I should have just noted that the move of Hesperiidae didn't follow the Pelham policy and left it at that. Sorry for mucking things up.

Anotado por nlblock hace mas de 8 años

If you notice something like that switch in the future, please just let us know about it. We don't police taxonomic changes as aggressively as we should, but at least we can talk about these issues if we know about them.

Anotado por kueda hace mas de 8 años

Will do. Should I move things back to match Pelham?

Anotado por nlblock hace mas de 8 años

I apologize again for inadvertently being a pain in the ass. It's the last thing I want to be on iNat (particularly because I think the butterfly taxonomy policy is excellent!). I feel really guilty about this.

Anotado por nlblock hace mas de 8 años

I guess we can move Hesperiidae back under Hesperoidea without any damage. Any opinion, Scott?

Anotado por kueda hace mas de 8 años

I don't have an opinion, this is a fairly painless one to toggle back and forth. I don't have strong feelings either way

Anotado por loarie hace mas de 8 años

I got a complaint by someone with a 'must be in Papilionoidea' rule about skippers mixed in, and looks like Pelham still treats Hesperoidea as its own superfamily so I finally got around to reverting this. Hope thats cool with everyone

Anotado por loarie hace mas de 8 años

hmm - and someone re-reverted it? What happened here?

Anotado por loarie hace cerca de 8 años

Sorry, changed the is_active status on Hesperoidea because I thought this had been committed and I forgot about this discussion. Adding some text to the description to make sure I don't do that again...

Anotado por kueda hace cerca de 8 años

@hugoalvarezg I saw you moved Hesperidae from Hesperoidea to Papilionoidea - see above - we're still going with the treatment of Hesperidae in Hesperoidea at the moment so I moved it back

Anotado por loarie hace cerca de 8 años

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