Taxonomic Swap 135090 (Guardado el 24/11/2023)

Añadido por kelian_gtr en 24 de noviembre de 2023 a las 10:45 PM | Resuelto por kelian_gtr en 24 de noviembre de 2023
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The correct name is Quercus orocantabrica. The source listed by POWO (Vila-Viçosa et al, 2022: mistakenly used Q. broteroana in the Early View version of the paper, but Q. orocantabrica has priority and this was corrected in the final pdf of the article.

Anotado por duarte hace 7 meses

well, both taxa are accepted on POWO (and therefor are on inat)

Anotado por kelian_gtr hace 7 meses

you seem to be right according to the paper "Quercus orocantabrica Rivas Mart. & al. (2002: 706)=Quercus robur subsp. broteroana O. Schwarz (1937: 108) ≡Quercus broteroana"
Can you mail to ask review it ?

Anotado por kelian_gtr hace 7 meses

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