Taxonomic Merge 130690 (Guardado el 21/09/2023)

Añadido por ctmdb en 21 de septiembre de 2023 a las 04:15 PM | Resuelto por ctmdb en 21 de septiembre de 2023
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@ctmdb in the future please don't swap Species e.g. Cathaica fasciola into Complexes e.g. Cathaica fasciola if the Species is still a valid taxon (e.g. Cathaica fasciola). Better to create the complex and regraft the existing Species Cathaica fasciola to it

Anotado por loarie hace 9 meses

@loarie This was because all observations need to be replaced.

Anotado por ctmdb hace 9 meses

I know its a pain, but that should be done through adding new Ids, taxon changes should be used to reshape the tree but not to replace IDs if the nodes (e.g. species Cathaica fasciola) -

Anotado por loarie hace 9 meses

Ok!Thanks for your advice!

Anotado por ctmdb hace 9 meses

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