Taxonomic Swap 101366 (Guardado el 10/11/2021)

Cooperative Catalogue of Palaearctic ... (Referencia)
Añadido por newrookie en 10 de noviembre de 2021 a las 10:08 AM | Resuelto por newrookie en 10 de noviembre de 2021
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move to subgenus Eupsalomimus

Anotado por newrookie hace mas de 2 años

This could have been done easier: After installing the subgenus, you'd have just edited poweri, and change parent name from Baryrhynchus to Eupsalomimus.


Anotado por borisb hace mas de 2 años

Re-grafting does not affect anything - I believe it is another possibility you think about.

In fact, any genus downloaded from external databases comes out on family level (frequently with species in it),
and has to be put manually in the right place in taxonomic tree.

Anotado por borisb hace mas de 2 años

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