Diario del proyecto Yellingbo and surrounds

Archivos de Diario para julio 2021

24 de julio de 2021

14/07/21 Bird & Platypus survey: Yellingbo

Notes from: a Friends of the Helmeted Honeyeater hosted citizen science event.
I'm not sure 8 people could have had a bigger buzz! On a wet and cold morning, just before current COVID lockdowns were announced, we'd just arrived for our Platypus survey and a platypus swam by! The chill was forgotten and the memory kept us warm for the remainder of the day (Silvana tells us she's dined out on this story for weeks!!). We didn't manage a photo (so trust us!), but a few of us did see a brilliant platypus lantern at the Belgrave Lantern Festival which gave us more opportunity for a photo!
We keep a look out for eels migrating on our platypus surveys too... one day we're confident we'll catch that, if they're about.
Bird of the day was a Rose Robin, but we were pleasantly surprised that we recorded 24 species after thinking we may not see many on such a cold, damp morning.
The frogs were calling, except when we got our recorders out! Crinia signifera were dominant, but there were at least 2 other species as well. Plans to go back in subsequent days to capture recordings was thwarted by snap COVID lockdowns, but we're not complaining about these community health initiatives. We'll hear the frogs again!

Publicado el 24 de julio de 2021 a las 01:54 AM por regnans regnans | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario