Archivos de Diario para mayo 2022

31 de mayo de 2022

VEGMAPhoto (s Afr) Project progress report - May 2022

Dear VEGMappers 😊

It is a pleasure to report that we have now collected landscape photos in 192 of our 459 vegetation types, that is an additional 28 vegetation types since our last progress report and a total of 42% of all our vegetation types. We acknowledge the great progress made with your valuable contributions. There are now over 2 400 observations, and 293 identifiers and observers.
Thank you for supporting the VEGMAPhoto project, and to new identifiers and observers; Welcome!

Please take a moment to look at our progress and hard work in the map below. Areas in darker green indicate vegetation types that have more landscape photos while white spaces indicate types that have not yet been tagged in this project.

It is interesting to note that the leading vegetation types with over 100 observations is Sundays Arid Thicket, followed by Winburg Grassy Shrubland, Highveld Alluvial Vegetation and then Central Free State Grassland.

Keep on thinking of the VEGMAPhoto project while you are on field adventures and take landscape photos to share with the project. Remember to include a photo of a dominant species for that specific vegetation type.
Importantly, please keep it to one vegetation type per observation.

Remember, if you have old landscape photos with GPS co-ordinates that you would like to share with the project and don’t have the time to load them into the project, email us at and we will assist you by uploading them for you.

Until our next update, Happy iNatting Naturalists!
Sam Msweli on behalf of the VEGMAP team 😊

Publicado el 31 de mayo de 2022 a las 07:55 AM por sam_ms sam_ms | 3 comentarios | Deja un comentario