Archivos de Diario para marzo 2023

21 de marzo de 2023

SPECIES IDENTIFICATION some typing attempts

Some fungi and lichen are proving to be identifiable by species thanks to expert help. However identifying fungi and especially lichen by visual photographic means alone I am told is limiting. Chemical signatures are important in distinguishing species.
My goal is to begin to count the number of different species per branch community based on what I can discern from macroscopic photograph of surface and underside images.
I am choosing to select a close identification by species from the automated matching system of iNAT. This is NOT intended as a final species identification but is trying to get a sense of different species by identifying consistently at least visually different types ("common name created by IMKaatz for this project as a type ID" or "robot id hypothesis"):
SOME PREVALENT TYPES! I am finding!!! that are difficult to ID:
1) "olive/bluegreen volcanoes" crustose robot hypothesis "Lecanora strobilina"
2) orange jelly Dacrymyces stillatus
3) black button mm sized individuals scattered widely over branches
4) "Lecidea varians" black, brown, red buttons associated on a crustose lichen patch
5) rust/brown crinkle sheet fungus
6) Parmotrema ruffle lichen
7) "white coral" less than 1cm no other structures Physcia sp
8) Physcia aipolia >2cm larger with reproductive structures present
9) Flavoparmelia caperata
10) Parmelia sulcata "Grey Fingers"
11) Orthotrichaceae mosses are rare
more coming soon...
12) Irpex lacteus "Honeycomb Fungus_

Publicado el 21 de marzo de 2023 a las 04:45 PM por ingrid_kaatz ingrid_kaatz | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario