Diario del proyecto Southwest Louisiana Master Naturalists

Archivos de Diario para agosto 2017

10 de agosto de 2017


If you've transitioned to iNaturalist's new observation page, you may have seen the Annotations on the right side of the page right below the map and Community ID. This is a feature that iNaturalist is employing to make collecting a little bit more data easier. Currently for animals it allows you to mark the sex and life stage of the organism. For plants it allows you to mark the sex and phenology.

For your observations (in this project or others), try using this feature. It's especially useful for plant phenology but can also be useful in research about generations in butterflies and moths or other organisms. If you like it, you may find your observation skills improving as you notice more details about the organisms you're observing. It's definitely something I notice more in my own observations.

Here's an example of an animal observation with annotations filled out: http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/6757141.

Here's an example of an plant observation with annotations filled out: http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/4680225.

Publicado el 10 de agosto de 2017 a las 08:07 PM por ilouque ilouque | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario
