Diario del proyecto South Australian iNaturalists

Archivos de Diario para octubre 2019

08 de octubre de 2019

“iNaturalist Australia” Launched

The Atlas of Living Australia has launched the "iNaturalist Australia" website.

See the "Announcement on the iNaturalist Blog" and "blog post on ALA"

At present observations can still be "uploaded to ALA through their Record a Sighting tool" but this will be phased out in favour of uploading observations through the iNaturalist platform.

Observation from iNaturalist are synced with ALA but the details on frequency of syncing, refreshing of records and which observations were synced have been a little unclear. The process has been explained by ALA HERE, and is worth quoting in full below:

Data is harvested from iNaturalist Australia to ALA daily. After processing, it is refreshed once per week.

Observations will come across to the ALA if they are:

Shareable under a Creative Commons license
In Australia
Verifiable observations - those which are marked Needs ID or Research Grade

If an iNaturalist observation is updated with a new identification, image, or a changed location, the record in ALA will be updated as part of the regular data harvest.

If records are removed from iNaturalist, they will be removed from ALA.

So which site should you use? This iNaturalist Blog post explains most of the differences with comments from some ALA staff.
By making iNaturalist Australia your "iNaturalist Network Affiliation", ALA will be given access to the location data of your obscured observations. This will provide those using the ALA data for research and conservation efforts with more valuable information. To make this change, head to your iNat User Profile and select "Edit Account Settings and Profile". Scroll to the bottom of the settings page and change your "iNaturalist Network Affiliation" to "iNaturalistAU"
Publicado el 08 de octubre de 2019 a las 08:53 AM por cobaltducks cobaltducks | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario

21 de octubre de 2019

Quick Tip: Removing Obscured Observation Dots from the Explore Page

One of the filtering options that is not currently available on the "Explore" page is the option to remove the obscured observations from the Map view. This means that the map view of populated areas can sometimes look cluttered with obscured observations making it difficult to see the pins for observations with public locations. The below URL can be used to return a page where the obscured observations have been removed from the map view. Keep in mind this will remove not only the observations users have chosen to obscure, but also those obscured automatically for conservation reasons.
Publicado el 21 de octubre de 2019 a las 01:00 AM por cobaltducks cobaltducks | 0 comentarios | Deja un comentario